Anecdotal personal case... My husband had adverse reactions to the jabs. He had tremors so bad he couldn't feed himself, couldn't communicate or track conversations very well, memory issues, disconnect between his brain and his body for movement, falling down,

and extreme fatigue. I discovered the FLCCC protocols with ivermectin. We started doing an IVM dosage once a month, but have since moved it to every 10 days. He is communicating, hiking, and even driving again! If I miss his dosage of IVM, his symptoms start to return. I feel it is the combination of the protocols and IVM.

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Another anecdote re: IVM. For most of my life I was prone to cold sores. If I got too much sun, got dehydrated, etc., I’d get a cold sore on my lip. After having COVID in early 2021 the cold sores became more frequent. Almost monthly! I decided to go back on seven days of IVM and then twice a week for a few months. The cold sores stopped completely. I now take IVM weekly and have not had a cold sore in over a year. It’s an antiviral so perhaps it quashed the herpes virus causing the cold sores. I’m thrilled.

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cuz VIRUS means PARASITE ...look up in old Merck Manuals from the 1960's. THAT is why IVM WORKS

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OMG! I'm gonna try that as I have chronic cold sores and have to take medication to keep from having them. I'd love to get off that med everyday

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I took 18mg every day for ten days. Then 18mg every Sunday and Wednesday for six months. Now I take 18mg every Sunday. After years of cold sores I can only assume it’s the IVM that’s helping prevent them. Everything else was useless. I also take Lysine daily.

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Lysine didn't do anything for me. I'm on Acyclovir daily. If I miss a day or two I'll start getting a cold sore. And I don't get just one, I get clusters of them. I'm gonna try your protocol and see if I can get off the acyclovir

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I agree. Acyclovir was pretty useless and I was told not to take it everyday as the efficacy wanes if taken all the time. And I don’t think Lysine helps but I’ve been taking it so long I’m reluctant to stop.

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I've been taking acyclovir daily for 6-7 years or more. I occasionally get a break through cold sore, then I double up the dose for a day or two and it goes away. I can tell when it's coming on because my lips become super dry. I also have a topical Rx for it and use that also when I feel it coming on

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Wow! That’s remarkable! I’m also having neurological symptoms quite possibly due to the vaccine. I have tremors and other MS symptoms, waiting to see a neurologist. It’s super scary! Where do I find the protocol for the IVM as to how to take it. Thanks!

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My husband saw three different neurologists. All of them said he was "fine"! Which I am actually thankful for... They might have pushed prescriptions and we have no idea what the long terms will be with vaccine and meds.

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Click on the three bars in the right and then “protocols”.

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Thank you!

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Kati, I just ordered some from ivermectin.com. I learned of them from Dr Lee Vliet, I think her website is truth for health foundation. I think some of these companies who sell ivermectin get their ivermectin powder from China, & I believe this site gets their IVM powder from India. Do you mind my asking what jab you got...moderna or Pfizer or J&J or another one & how long till you showed these symptoms? I ask so I can anticipate any issues & help my 20 year old since he took two moderna jabs. I think it’s very wise to get treatment as soon as possible. Good luck, I hope you can stop the disease process dead in its tracks!

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Hi, I had the Astra Zeneca. I should have listened to my instincts as put it off for on the and only had it because elderly in-laws one of which had cancer at the time. I’m paying the price for it now. Symptoms started not long after the first jab. I had pretty bad twitching in both calves. It lasted several months then it lessened. Then about a year and a half later when I was in my gym’s sauna I had developed really scary symptoms of tingling and numbness in my face down both arms and both legs. The twitches in my calf came back with a vengeance. I had really bad tremors and couldn’t hold a pen for weeks. I soon went on the Wahl’s Paleo Plus (keto) protocol and have been on it for four months. Finally, I saw a neurologist last Monday and I’m waiting for an MRI on my brain and spine. It’s terrifying! I’m trying to stay positive and concentrate on healing but it’s really tough at times. I’m taking Ivermectin in a paste form that was recommended by a lovely lady to me who is using it to treat her with it. So nice of you for going out of your way to help your son. I’m not British, but living in the UK and my “family” here is less than supportive. I’m doing all the research and lifestyle modifications by myself. Hope your son is doing ok! He has the advantage of being young. I’m 43. A friend of mine developed Raynaud’s symptoms after the vaccine, she is 35. Luckily for her it all went away.

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Kati, yes, that does sound neurological. I hope the ivermectin may help with the spike proteins. Although who knows of all the junk they put in these things. You might look into the bromelain & NaC, & I also heard some doctor speak of the nattokinase too. Thx for the reply. Yes, you have to be your own best health advocate (I’ve learned anyway). Best of luck to you for healing & recovery! God bless! 🙏🏻

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Thank you Monica! I will look into nattokinase. I was already taking NAC and lots of other things and eating super healthy when I went down with this. I’m at a complete loss to be honest. Other than managing stress better I couldn’t have done anything more. Of course, not having the vaccine to begin with would have been a life saver. Best wishes to you and your family!

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Kaymarie, I’m just wondering, do you think your husband’s symptoms return if you miss his dosage because the spike production could be continual? I ask because I recently learned that my 20 year old son unfortunately received two moderna jabs in 2022 (despite my incessantly warning him). He needed it for college (altho he was given a religious exemption but still had to test weekly), so he was sick of testing, & I guess he assumed I was being overreactive about the dangers. Also, he finally caved because he needed it to get into a concert arena. I was devastated to learn that he had taken it (& a little mad, but he was of legal age to do so). 🤷🏼‍♀️😬 We try so hard to protect our kids & then they go & do something dumb like that. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Anyway, I’ve been giving him bromelain, NaC, serrapeptase, & nattokinase. I’ve also given him activated coconut charcoal too. I’m hoping that helps with the spike proteins, graphene, possible micro blood clots, all that bad stuff. And I ordered some ivermectin. But I am wondering if this mRNA causes the body to continuously produce these spike proteins? What a horrible disaster this evil scam is.

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The FLCCC has protocols for vaccine-injured to follow: https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-recover/

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Talk about safe and effective! This is fact. Ivermectin is less toxic to humans than Tylenol.

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Excellent! I’ve read at least 20 studies about the various diseases and syndromes for which IVM has shown to be effective -- either in curing them or in reducing frequency and serverity of flare-ups.

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Hi! Do you know how many we have to take? I had skyn cancer after 2 doses.

Olá! Você sabe quanto de IVM tomar? Tive cancer de pele depois das 2 doses.

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Marcinha, do you mind sharing what c19 vaccine you took & how & how long after you discovered your skin cancer? I’m trying to treat my son after taking two moderna jabs. I also know of someone else who got skin cancer after her shots. Good luck to you, I think you can & will overcome this cancer! 🙏🏻

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It doesn’t work like that. Furthermore, I’m (obviously) not a physician.

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First of all, thanks for compiling this. More to my point, what I find particularly distressing is how this information is available, yet sitting U.S. Senators are still able to say, in their canned press releases after they inevitably get covid, "I am not taking Ivermectin, since it has not been shown..." The damned stuff is close to a wonder drug. One might even assume that Nobel Prize actually indicated something!

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Yes! There is all kinds of evidence, research studies, showing it has cancer prevention/remission properties. Also, helps with neurological issues. It really would be labeled a “wonder drug” if it wasn’t so maligned world-wide. And since it’s off patent and very inexpensive Big Pharma will continue to trash it and pay off doctors and politicians to continue to down play it’s effectiveness. No $$$ in it for them.

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What about blood clotting, does IVM act on that?

Note that the clots concerned occur: the mRNA causes cells to produce billions of molecular-size preons (spike proteins) which then attract & attach metallic fragments. The resulting long white tough inorganic worm-like clots travel through blood vessels and keep slowly expanding until one blocks blood flow. Nothing used against normal blood clots works against these preon clots. Anyway, does IVM work to dissolve such clots?

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Ivermectin is an amazing medication with many excellent properties and uses. It’s safe and it works. If it wasn’t off-patent Big Pharma would be making millions selling it as a miracle drug. But since it inexpensive and available everywhere they’ll continue to try and convince us we’ll all die if we take it.

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Ahhh to give IVM to everyone in the US. Wouldn’t that be amazing!?

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💯 Thanks for sharing

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