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Ivermectin has the best chance at having an impact on improving the circumstances of those injured by the experimental genetic injections.
There are several reasons for this.
Working backwards from the side effects:
Cancer diagnosis, neurological disorders, other ‘autoimmune disorders’, ‘scabies’/skin rashes
Against these; Ivermectin has either direct or indirect properties that can work to limit or slow the impact of most of these side effects. There are many studies showing this to be the case, some are compiled below.
As an example, in the case of autoimmune disorders, CD4 T cells are thought to “orchestrate and drive the immune response.”
CD4 T cells: Balancing the coming and going of autoimmune-mediated inflammation in the CNS
Ivermectin, in many studies, has the ability to increase CD4 T cell counts.
River blindness, or “onchocerciasis” is a neurological disorder.
There is direct evidence from studies dating back decades that Ivermectin works against many of the unacknowledged side effects becoming rampant across a large segment of the population.
It needs to be studied.
Inhibiting cancer metastasis:
Our results showed that IVM significantly inhibited the motility of cancer cells in vitro and tumor metastasis in vivo. Mechanistically, IVM suppressed the expressions of the migration-related proteins via inhibiting the activation of Wnt/β-catenin/integrin β1/FAK and the downstream signaling cascades. Our findings indicated that IVM was ca- pable of suppressing tumor metastasis, which provided the rationale on exploring the potential clinical application of IVM in the prevention and treatment of cancer metastasis.
Inducing apoptosis (cell death) in tumor tissue in rats.
Present data indicates the potential effect of IVM as an anticancer drug. It found that, IVM induced apoptosis in the colon tumor tissue as indicated by upregulation of Bax and Caspase-3 gene expression, and down-regulation of Bcl-2 gene expression. However, the protective effect of IVM was very clear at medium and high concentrations as indicated by minimizing the damage to colon tissue. Therefore, IVM might be a new potential drug for treating human colorectal cancer.

By 4 weeks after treatment and thereafter, CD4+ T cells increased relatively and absolutely (P less than 0.01); likewise there was an absolute increase in T-helper-inducer cells (CD4+CD45RO+) and a temporarily improved CD4+/CD8+ cell ratio (P = 0.001).

Riverblindness ELIMINATED after “mass drug administration” (when they give it to everyone):

Anecdotal personal case... My husband had adverse reactions to the jabs. He had tremors so bad he couldn't feed himself, couldn't communicate or track conversations very well, memory issues, disconnect between his brain and his body for movement, falling down,
and extreme fatigue. I discovered the FLCCC protocols with ivermectin. We started doing an IVM dosage once a month, but have since moved it to every 10 days. He is communicating, hiking, and even driving again! If I miss his dosage of IVM, his symptoms start to return. I feel it is the combination of the protocols and IVM.
The FLCCC has protocols for vaccine-injured to follow: