I suspect this technology will be used to make it appear as if the Anti-Christ has been resurrected from the dead - as is foretold in Revelations.

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I like the idea of the cup being made out wood like in the I/J ark movie (foreshadowing.) I do not think it gives eternal life because that would make it an idol.

It seems everything I research leads back to the Merovingian family. The Matrix. I looked up how often did people change clothes in 100 AD and there they were again, for example. They seem to have their tentacles in all aspects of life.

The one thing I am sure of is that they will eventually die like the rest of us. They may appear alive through Ai, but they will be dust. Happy thought.✝️🇺🇸

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Good post. The Coven of Witches represented by these "elites" is the very witch they have always been trying to kill. Sad commentary indeed. They would not know a Christ if they ran into him. Bloodlines are not determiners of someone's actions - individuals are. Everyone has a choice.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

They are fools - there is no cup - it's symbology of womb from the sacred lineage. Cloud = Virtual womb?

"They are attempting to build a virtual Holy Grail — one in which they hope to upload their consciousness to — using the ‘Cloud’ — thereby achieving eternal life. "

They will trapped, let it be. Better to have those consciousness trapped in a device so that they no longer re-incarnate here, there, anywhere, everywhere. Contained viruses.

Compare it to the genie trapped in a bottle. Gotcha! We can perhaps create a virtual museum of psychopaths "Unholy Grail" - a curiosity for future generation to behold those who did damage in early 21st century.


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Some bits and pieces:

People who take DMT discuss the creatures they meet during the experience in terms of demons and angels, describing a set of creatures and experiences relatively constantly across the various hallucinations, often with hell (for lack of a better word.)

DMT is known to be released by the brain at near-death.

People near death often experience a perspective change where they witness themselves while "floating" and have knowledge afterward of events taking place at the same time but in different physical locations.

In Cosmic Serpent, an anthropologist explains how certain indigenous pops use plant based hallucinogens to see creatures they call spirits or demons present along our "real" world.

These practitioners also claim their plant based hallucinogens "tell them" truths about the plants and other aspects of life, inckuding how to make medicines. The author posits this telling is related to DNA--the cosmic serpent. He notes DNA emits "highly coherent photons" though he doesn't know that means they're highly entangled photons. That means they possess certain quantum properties that allow them to be in the same state even when physically separated, and where physical operations on one affect the physical state of the other while maintaining coherence.

Transubstantiation is the Catholic explanation for how the bread presented to the priest is materially changed into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. This change does not change the appearances but does change the nature. Transubstantion requires fruit of the earth, bread and wine made from certain plants.

Eucharistic miracles are well documented. In several cases, transubstantiated hosts have bled. In certain cases, tests in the host have revealed it is heart muscle under severe distress. If true, these would of course, contain human DNA.

The transhumanists seem to want to "upload a soul." The statanists want to steal a transubstantiated host.

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Very interesting. More to their AI goals than enslaving the unwashed masses. I have read for years about the elites’ focus on genealogy, but they sure have a lot of gaps between Christ’s death and the 13th century. Plenty of time for fabrication of the missing links, isn’t there?

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