Virtual Holy Grail: How AI is Recreating the Cup of Christ
How the Elite are resurrecting a mythical symbol to achieve immortality.
The Holy Grail
In The Holy Blood And The Holy Grail, first published in 1982 — investigators trace the origins of the alleged Merovingian bloodline, the Priory of Sion, the Knights Templar, and other secret groups, many of which are still mulling about today in various forms. Of course, a cursory search of the ‘internet’ reveals nothing but misinformation and speculation that all of this is simply a giant, all encompassing ‘CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRy’ and hoax.
Laughable dismissals. There’s simply — as always — something big to hide.
Their secret and continued alleged lineage is the subject of the book.
The Merovingian family is one of the addendum and intermarried families to the ‘13 Elite Families’ you are no doubt familiar with by now. If you are not, leave a note in the comments and I’ll follow that up. The key difference being that in the plot of this story — Jesus Christ married, and subsequently fathered children with Mary Magdalene. In their view, the Merovingians are the descendants of Christ. This is what they believe. This also ties into Monarchist systems of thought — in that there are several claims to European royal thrones involved, particularly in France but also elsewhere across Europe.
The fictional stories written by Dan Brown — The Da Vinci Code — are all based on these factual stories. In reality — the Dan Brown series only serves to further muddy the waters and make it more difficult to discern fact from fiction. Most are concerned with and distracted by shiny objects, and were provided a Tom Hanks driven movie series to cope accordingly.
This is some of what is found inside the real Church in Southern France where part of the early story takes place:
And the church was not only redecorated, but redecorated in a most bizarre fashion. A Latin inscription was incised in the porch lintel above the entrance:
Immediately inside the entrance a hideous statue was erected, a gaudy
representation of the demon Asmodeus -custodian of secrets, guardian of
hidden treasures and, according to ancient Judaic legend, builder of
Solomon’s Temple.
On June 1, 1885, Sauniere was posted to a little parish in the tiny village of Rennes-le-Chateau in southern France. Eight centuries earlier, in 1059, the village church of Rennes-le-Chateau was consecrated to Mary Magdalene, the patron saint of southern France.
At the time of Sauniere's assignment, the church was in need of repair, and in 1891 Sauniere embarked on a modest restoration. Report the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, "In the course of his endeavors he removed the altar stone, which rested on two archaic Visigoth columns. One of these columns proved to be hollow. Inside the priest found four parchments preserved in sealed wooden tubes. Two of these parchments are said to have comprised genealogies, one dating from 1244, the other from 1644."
Arthurian legend has it that the cup Jesus Christ drank from during his last meal can provide eternal life. This is called ‘The Holy Grail.’
There are many modern groups trying to attain eternal life — in essence, trying to build their own Holy Grail.
Of course — this is none other than the dreaded ‘Global Elite’, the ‘WEF’, and other technologists. They are attempting to build a virtual Holy Grail — one in which they hope to upload their consciousness to — using the ‘Cloud’ — thereby achieving eternal life.
Perhaps the ‘Elite’ simply cannot find the genuine Cup of Christ and so have taken it upon themselves to try to build it.
The Elite must be figuring that they will work out the biological aspects of ‘life’ after they achieve the synthetic version.
An early phase of this project will involve digitally simulating deceased loved ones, using artificial intelligence, in order to prepare society for the advent of immortality.
The AI will consume, as an input, the sum total available data on a given individual. Their tweets, their voicemails, the sound of their voices, their interactions, and their ‘data profile.’ The AI will then create a ‘Shadow Replica’ of that individual, and it’ll be called resurrection. It will be desirable for some, and rightfully seen as witchcraft by those of us left with functioning brains. What is dead ought to remain that way.
This system will seem primitive at first, but will rapidly advance — and at some point will become indistinguishable from the real thing — your deceased loved ones — in just a few years..
As this system progresses — and more detailed ‘Shadow Replicas’ of the self are uploaded to the cloud, the ‘Elite’ will have effectively obtained a Holy Grail — of sorts.
It remains to be seen what that picture looks like. In time, we all may unfortunately find out.
I suspect this technology will be used to make it appear as if the Anti-Christ has been resurrected from the dead - as is foretold in Revelations.
I like the idea of the cup being made out wood like in the I/J ark movie (foreshadowing.) I do not think it gives eternal life because that would make it an idol.
It seems everything I research leads back to the Merovingian family. The Matrix. I looked up how often did people change clothes in 100 AD and there they were again, for example. They seem to have their tentacles in all aspects of life.
The one thing I am sure of is that they will eventually die like the rest of us. They may appear alive through Ai, but they will be dust. Happy thought.✝️🇺🇸