Whow. So much information here for my mind to process. Are the secret societies the “they” in reference to who is responsible for Antifa, Covid plandemic etc.?

The informed can see what is happening for example the control of people by making them mask up to go out or travel. We know it’s not for our health but “They” want to control the people. My question always is who are “they”?

Thanks for assembling this information. I hope you continue to enlighten sorrowfully people such as myself.

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Rabbi Marvin S Antelman, is by far the best and most meticulous in tracking these gnostic platonists. And then then you have Prof Carrol Quigley is or was one of these platonists and decided to proudly spill the beans.

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So, was Franklin high enough in the organizations to have been “read in” to the true purposes of the founding? Or, is this another area where we’ve been duped by some of our own founders? It’s obvious that one of the purposes was to let freedom be granted in order to ensure the citizens created to the topmost levels. This eventually generated a ton of money for the cabal, as did the protection of those freedoms in wars that generated trillions more. Meantime, the infiltration was planned and executed. After WWII, we hit the 5👁️ intelligence agencies to spy on us as well as the Nazi policies via the Nazis brought over; likely to ensure the Prussian Nazi regime would survive. Apparently, like this more traditional ones, we still were enslaved. Then it was determined to dumb us down to more traditional slavery; just in time for the Great Reset. Do they have a surprise coming. We vastly outnumber them and we will not comply.

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