Three Investigators // Researchers Worth Digging Into
Spanning many decades — it's now on us to piece it together to conclusion.
Jumping into this.
Antony Sutton. Mr. Sutton received a lot of unreleased information about Skull & Bones (a secret society originating at Yale) and put that together with publicly available information at the time. Given that he died in 2002 — before George Bush (another Bonesman) had served his full 2-terms as president — he would be rolling in his grave at our present circumstances. The outsized influence this small secretive group has had on modern politics is hard to fathom. Perhaps at one point — their plans were more overt. Nowadays, it appears to operate as would any other ‘secretive’ fraternity. The issue is that with ‘secrets’ come ‘hidden’ agendas and politicians beholden to interests that are undefined and not in the best interests of those who they are expected to serve. Conflicts of interest, in effect. If a Bonesman is asked by another Bonesman behind closed doors for some type of favor — would anyone ever find out about it? And that, inherently, is the problem with secret societies that control politicians. Mr. Sutton has an incredibly diverse portfolio of research done on Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union (and the arming/financing of these behemoths by Western interests) — and the natural progression, the work left for us to do, is regarding the influence of these same traitorous Western elements in the arming and financing of the Chinese Communist Party today.
In books like “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler” and “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution” — there exists simply too much information about the logistical and operational support gifted to the supposed ‘enemies’ of America for the same pattern repeating today with respect to internal and seemingly unified support given to the Chinese Communist Party to be a coincidence.
If Sutton were alive today, he might write a book titled “Wall Street and the Rise of the Chinese Communist Party” — painstakingly lining up Western support by companies like Cisco, Nike, Apple, Volkswagen, Rolls Royce and countless others in arming both the civil and military apparatus controlled predominately by supposed ‘sworn enemies.’
Joost A. M. Meerloo, M.D.. I’ve been writing extensively about his notable work here (this series of excerpts and commentary will likely continue to expand.) You can find more Parts in the series around this site.
John Daniel. An anonymous comment on a previous post elsewhere led me to this work when I had questions — and so this is for you. If you’re ready to learn about the nature of the ‘inter-factional’ hidden conflicts — or why everything appears be in conflict while simultaneously moving in lockstep towards the same end, this is the place. The undeclared wars on the mind continue regardless of our opinion on the validity of these elements.
Possible answers to many questions are contained in the work. For example — who snuck that infernally damned Illuminati imagery onto the Great Seal? Why?
Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams met on the summer afternoon of July 4, 1776, and pondered the design of the Great Seal of the United States. Franklin convinced the two patriots that the Roman numeral 1776 on the base of Illuminati Seal signified the year America declared independence. The thirteen layers of brick on the unfinished pyramid simply represented the thirteen colonies. All three patriots accepted the Seal of the Illuminati without change.
What they themselves actually designed is the Flying Eagle Seal. It contains thirteen stripes on the eagle's breast shield, thirteen berries and thirteen leaves on the olive branch in the eagle's right talon, thirteen arrows in its left talon, thirteen letters in the Latin words E Pluribus Unum, and thirteen stars above its head. Exoterically, thirteen represents the thirteen original colonies. Esoterically it suggests that the Knights Templar played a significant role in the founding of the United States.
Two of the three founding fathers were sincere in their patriotic zeal. Ben Franklin, however, was in complete compliance with the "Great Plan" of the Priory of Sion. Circumstantial evidence suggests his complicity. For example, Franklin was the only founding father who was a member of all three Masonic obediences - American, English and French - as well as an initiate in Sion's Rose-Croix, a member of Sion's Illuminati, and a Knights Templar. He alone was in the unique position to learn the "Secret Doctrine" from both sides. There is no other explanation for the peculiar, yet significant arrangement of the thirteen stars hovering in the Glory Cloud above the Flying Eagle, which also appears on the back of our dollar bill. There thirteen Templar stars in the Glory Cloud form the six-pointed star of the Priory of Sion.
Symbols and their placement are of great significance to Freemasonry. They reveal the "Secret Doctrine" of the Priory of Sion. The thirteen Templar stars arranged to shape Sion's six-pointed star sent a clear message to the initiated few that Sion and the Temple were united in founding the United States of America. The sacred symbols of Sion and the Temple united in one design peering through the glory cloud hovering above the Great American Eagle, signifies that both Sion and the Temple oversee the direction of our nation. We shall learn the ramifications of this esoteric truth in chapter 27, where we find that the Great Seal of the United States of America was seen in the visions of both the apostle John and the prophet Daniel.
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Whow. So much information here for my mind to process. Are the secret societies the “they” in reference to who is responsible for Antifa, Covid plandemic etc.?
The informed can see what is happening for example the control of people by making them mask up to go out or travel. We know it’s not for our health but “They” want to control the people. My question always is who are “they”?
Thanks for assembling this information. I hope you continue to enlighten sorrowfully people such as myself.
Rabbi Marvin S Antelman, is by far the best and most meticulous in tracking these gnostic platonists. And then then you have Prof Carrol Quigley is or was one of these platonists and decided to proudly spill the beans.