Is FTX part of the NEF? The physiognomy and psychology of its collapse is staggering: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-lose-214-million-in-one-year

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https://newforum.org/en/themes/climate/ Go look at what they say on their website. They are in the job of Collecting information on PEOPLE. Probably in order to CONTROL them. This is their CLIMATE CHANCE PAGE.

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The WEF is effectively an agent of the Bank on International Settlements. Their immediate goal is to pave the way to introduce a currency backing to retain power beyond expiring fiat with intangible carbon (the new “fughazi”).

Used to be that you could mine what backed the currency (gold/silver) and today also mine cryptocurrency and the more you mined or produced in an economy, the more wealth you acquired. The idea with carbon credits is, it is the antimatter to money. More production/consumption results in more rationing and restraints. They know we would not willingly accept a new fiat Ponzi currency after a collapse in the previous one. So they will try to force it on us. Their greatest fear is barter and private mediums of exchange which would eventually result if we were left to our own devices. They would not be able to efficiently skim that as they have with the current, centralized and usurious scheme.

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China’s sudden forex increase; is it from American taxpayer billions sent to Ukraine and then funneled to China to support the Biden Crime Family and undermine the U.S. dollar?

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We need some IT people to also explain the web www3. Are they doing all of their planning on that web host. I can't seem to get in! Will they eventually turn off the regular internet but themselves be able to function properly?

Someone needs to investigate this quickly.


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I'm sharing on Truth Social. Banned elsewhere. So someone else post this on FB and TWITTER!

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Thank you

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