The "NEF": A Finance-Focused Leviathan, like the "WEF"
Founded in 2018, the "NEF" — which is run by Michael Bloomberg, needs to be understood IMMEDIATELY.
Surely by now everyone is well aware of what the goals of the WEF are. Perhaps the methodology surrounding how a group like the WEF will execute the so-called ‘Great Reset’ is murky, but at least it is a household name at this point — which is important. The WEF isn’t alone in the execution of these agendas — there are other groups out there that are just as impactful, yet far less well documented, understood, or well known. One of them is the “New Economy Forum”.
It’s critical that the “NEF” is covered similarly to the “WEF” in independent media The group has been in existence since 2018 — yet if you look through the leadership, members, attendance list, and its stated goals, the NEF is just as important as Klaus Schwab and his nefarious henchmen over at the WEF.
While there’s much overlap between the two organizations, how an organization like the WEF would coordinate the work necessary to actually implement an agenda like the westernized version of a Social Credit System or Carbon Credits was unclear. The point is — they won’t be alone in pushing to do so, and in order to accomplish an agenda like that, you need to have a very narrow focus on international as well as domestic finance organizations around the world. Now, that picture comes full circle by way of understanding what the roles of the major participants of the New Economic Forum (the “NEF”) were in supranational organizations, governments and private institutions alike.
Read deeply into who is involved, what they were and are focused on in both the private and public sectors, and what the structural goals and agendas of the organization are.

So — we have:
Desire from the Chinese government (and others —like BRICS+, and possibly even some Fifth Columnists inside of the US financial apparatus) to unseat the US dollar as the “world reserve currency” to placate Chinese and other interests.
An apocalyptic economic crisis that is just about to unfold.
High-level meetings taking place regularly between the ‘people’ (loose term) who could somehow provide the solution to these problems, at international scale.
That’s the trifecta.
None of this addresses another elephant in the room which is that in 2007, the threat of China dumping US dollars was a major problem — but was substantially less significant of a threat then it is today, 15 years later and with almost nothing done to counter it.
This problem is now approximately 3x bigger (which should be seen as a multiplicative factor, rather than additive) — growing Chinese forex reserves from $1.33 trillion in 2007 (when it was a ‘nuclear threat’) to $3.052 trillion (where it is now a catastrophic, apocalyptic, and thermonuclear threat..

Here’s some additional reading on the topic:
New Economy Forum: Potential and Challenges
This is just as important as the World Economic Forum — but no one is aware of its existence.
Is FTX part of the NEF? The physiognomy and psychology of its collapse is staggering: Go look at what they say on their website. They are in the job of Collecting information on PEOPLE. Probably in order to CONTROL them. This is their CLIMATE CHANCE PAGE.