This also plays into my theory for what is happening here in the US. Unlimited border crossings, depleted strategic oil reserves, jab injured military, antifa color revolution behavior, China owned swaths of land near US Air Force bases, propaganda to divide Americans, and so on. Make US weak, so UN forces can come in. If all military personnel and supplies are on the other side of the world, a false flag event would be the prefect opening to bring in UN forces (maybe already installed?) Every single decision that has been made at the federal level is bad for US citizens & good for China, WEF, global parasites. When do we see it for what it is?

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Biden does not control the Pentagon and the US Armed Forces!!!!!!!Q

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You are mistaken.

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I am closely watching US environmental policy and regulatory developments. US companies will be unable to obtain permits for new projects and modernization because of "Environmental Justice," "Climate Change," and Tribal Treaty Rights regulations. China could not have implemented a more effective strategy than the ObamaBiden coup leaders. Please connect the dots folks.

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