Remix News: Group of ‘Elite Soldiers’ (Likely 101st Airborne) Detained in Hungary
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One of the best aggregators for Eastern European news is Remix News.
They focus on events taking place across Eastern Europe — places like Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, and Poland and do a phenomenal job of aggregating and compiling local news sources from across the region. They focus heavily on EU-wide border issues, often providing unique coverage not found anywhere else, besides perhaps the occasional sketchy Telegram channel.
One incident of note that they covered was an incident at a night club in Hungary. Troops, allegedly from the 101st Airborne, were detained by police in Hungary after an incident not widely broadcast at a nightclub.
REMIX NEWS - Members of an elite U.S. military unit were detained by Hungarian police after getting into a fight in a downtown Budapest nightclub, according to the freely distributed daily Metropol.
The incident occurred at the popular nightclub Instant, on Akácfa Street in the capital’s 7th district, officially known as the Instant-Fogas complex.
According to the tabloid, soldiers of an elite airborne unit were fighting with foreign tourists in Instant. The altercation ended up with the soldiers using the hand-to-hand combat skills they had acquired during their special training.
Even the security guards working at the venue were reportedly unable to control the soldiers, and several tourists were injured. Eventually, the security guards called the police, and they brought the U.S. soldiers to the district police station.
The Budapest Police Headquarters referred Metropol’s request for comment to the Central Investigating Prosecutor’s Office, which replied in a statement that “the case is under investigation by the Budapest Regional Investigation Prosecutor’s Office for the crime of aggravated assault. No suspects were questioned in the case, and no coercive measures affecting personal liberty were imposed.”
The information also revealed that no one had suffered serious bodily injury in the fight, but no further details about the ongoing proceedings were forthcoming. Metropol wrote that the soldiers were likely members of the famous U.S. 101st Airborne Division, recently deployed to neighboring Romania.
Remember, just a few months ago, President Biden strengthened the deployment (with 4,700 more American troops) of the 101st Airborne close to the border of Ukraine.
ATALAYAR - Biden is reinforcing all US positions in Europe: in Cadiz, he recently renovated his military fleet consisting of the USS Carney, USS Donald Cook, USS Porter and USS Ross and replaced them with more modern frigates equipped with powerful helicopters and strategic missile launchers. All ships have been replaced by the USS Arleigh Burke, USS Roosevelt, USS Paul Ignatius and USS Bulkeley.
Another commitment has to do with sending troops mainly to reinforce the Eastern flank of Europe: the Pentagon recently deployed one of its most important elite units to Romania, the 101st Airborne Division, more popularly known as the Screaming Eagles, which specialises in air assault operations. It has sent 4,700 soldiers.

It will come as no shock if weapons meant for Ukrainian Neo-Nazis ‘resistance forces’ (term used loosely) are diverted for other purposes across Europe

Looks like they already are!
A related unit — the 82nd Airborne — was told by Biden in a notable gaffe during the earlier period of the War in Ukraine that they would soon be fighting inside Ukraine.
Perhaps it wasn’t a gaffe.
This also plays into my theory for what is happening here in the US. Unlimited border crossings, depleted strategic oil reserves, jab injured military, antifa color revolution behavior, China owned swaths of land near US Air Force bases, propaganda to divide Americans, and so on. Make US weak, so UN forces can come in. If all military personnel and supplies are on the other side of the world, a false flag event would be the prefect opening to bring in UN forces (maybe already installed?) Every single decision that has been made at the federal level is bad for US citizens & good for China, WEF, global parasites. When do we see it for what it is?
Biden does not control the Pentagon and the US Armed Forces!!!!!!!Q