It’s certainly no coincidence that the people who watch little to no TV all appear to fall on the side of seeing through the BS of the past three years.

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In discussing why there's no children's advil or children's Tylenol in all of Canada when there's plenty south of the border, I ask my friend why she thinks that would be. She had no idea so I suggest the goverment wants to impose masking everyone and want to pressure parents. She thinks that's absurd and was quite offended. She's in a control matrix. But is it? Now that I see the marionette strings I don't unsee them.

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Great series. It makes me wonder where I have been. I did not know there was a massive ad campaign for the shot.

I never liked shots and I believed 19 was the flu. I wore a mask for maybe 3 days and said screw it. Got yelled at twice and walked away.

I truly believe God called me back just before this. I was focused on Him and getting my life back in shape so I missed the majority of these pressures.

Plus fb shut me down, twitter did too, and I don't have tv. I have been doing alot of reading. I try to get a variety of perspectives. ✝️🇺🇸

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