Previous segments in the series can be found here:
What immediately follows is a working example of the type of Political Conditioning demonstrated in the excerpt from Rape of the Mind, further below.
See if you can find other examples of this type of indirect linkage with seemingly Pavlovian responses built in. In real-time — review coverage of the undetermined source of the attack on the energy grid in North Carolina. Left-leaning outlets almost uniformly pre-condition the response to the piece of ‘news’ by tying the proximity of an evening Drag Queen event, where children would be present. to a supposed boogeyman. Presumably, some type of Racially Motivated Supremacist Domestic Stochastic Terror Threat.
Thoroughly and fearlessly mock it, and it will lose its innate power.
Remember, this type of debauched behavior (sexualizing young children around grown men pretending to be women) raises precisely ZERO red flags within those who have already been thoroughly demoralized.

In other words — CNN is trying to say:
“We can’t directly tie the attack on the power grid to the local drag show. But we’re just saying, it did happen right around the same time the drag show was supposed to start.”
These are supposed to be the correlation does not imply causation people — and yet they are able to speculate (without any evidence in either direction) about the cause?
How is this possible? Can you imagine — as Dr. Meerloo explains — the “catchwords, verbal stereotypes, slogans, formulas, symbols” being primed for deployment in an article like this?
Have you heard them before?
Stochastic Terror. Domestic Violent Extremist.
The repetition of these terms in and of themselves is a powerful agent of Menticide.
Here is an explanation of ‘political conditioning’ that can explain:
Political Conditioning
Political conditioning should not be confused with training or persuasion or even indoctrination. It is more than that. It is tampering. It is taking possession of both the simplest and the most complicated nervous patterns of man. It is the battle for the possession of the nerve cells. It is coercion and enforced conversion. Instead of conditioning man to an unbiased facing of reality, the seducer conditions him to catchwords, verbal stereotypes, slogans, formulas, symbols. Pavlovian strategy in the totalitarian sense means imprinting prescribed reflexes on a mind that has been broken down. The totalitarian wants first the required response from the nerve cells, then control of the individual, and finally control of the masses. The system starts with verbal conditioning and training by combining the required stereotypes with negative or positive stimuli: pain, or reward. In the P.O.W. camps in Korea where there was individual and mass brainwashing, the negative and positive conditioning stimuli were usually hunger and food. The moment the soldier conformed to the party line his food ration was improved: say yes, and I'll give you a piece of candy!
In totalitarian countries, where belief in Pavlovian strategy has assumed grotesque proportions, the self thinking, subjective man has disappeared. There is an utter rejection of any attempt at persuasion or discussion. Individual self expression is taboo. Private affection is taboo.
Peaceful exchange of free thoughts in free conversation will disturb the conditioned reflexes and is therefore taboo. No longer are there any brains, only conditioned patterns and educated muscles. In such a taming system neurotic compulsion is looked upon as a positive asset instead of something pathological. The mental automaton becomes the ideal of education.
That these tools and their utilization have been mastered long ago goes without saying. The P.O.W. camps of Korea have come to your neighborhood — with the afflicted commingled among us in society. This book was written in 1956 — and yet its lessons have never been more prescient. It helps to explain why Steve Kirsch can’t get a single word into the ‘discussions’ going on at Corporate Disinformation Outlets or within ‘expert’ groups.
To briefly summarize: in the CNN article, the prepositioned negative stimulus is the nature of the Mind Rape — and this occurs nearly uniformly across the supposedly decentralized landscape of modern Corporate Disinformation Networks.
Can that be explained?
Without respect to the ideological or other motivations of the culprit, ultimately the ‘story’ will pan out as ‘facts’ emerge (terms used loosely) — and will correspondingly either resurface (if it fits the narrative) or be memory-holed (if it doesn’t fit the narrative) forever.
Either way — the negative stimulus was deployed and the preparatory groundwork continues to be developed for the next phase of the harvest.
It’s certainly no coincidence that the people who watch little to no TV all appear to fall on the side of seeing through the BS of the past three years.
In discussing why there's no children's advil or children's Tylenol in all of Canada when there's plenty south of the border, I ask my friend why she thinks that would be. She had no idea so I suggest the goverment wants to impose masking everyone and want to pressure parents. She thinks that's absurd and was quite offended. She's in a control matrix. But is it? Now that I see the marionette strings I don't unsee them.