Is any mind strong enough to resist? Merloo's compilation of evidence proves no, it's only a matter of time and technique.

My personal resistance approach: Unsubscribe (from all MSM TV and magazine subscriptions). Turn off all social news feeds. Look for the agenda driving the repetitive. Question all authority. Think critically. Stand apart from the crowd. Ask if the opposite were true. Engage with intuition, not indoctrination. Reframe. Reword. Point at the ridiculous and laugh. Be grateful, gracious, and good, yet unyielding.

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In my opinion, the Internet and social media, are not extensions or continuations of previous propaganda systems. The only reason MSM has any relevance at all is because people on social media link to it to mock it and criticize it.  we are in a new information environment, one that has never existed on earth before. No one knows how people will adapt to this new environment, but let’s not forget the insane and psychotic abuses of the last thousands of years using books, radio, television. The people of the world are informed, like never before. Giant lies were spread  around the earth in the past. The scamdemic could be the last such operation.

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My effort early on deconstructing the matrix. When I thought I was alone doing it. https://youtu.be/Jy0EHlEkLHw

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Words are extremely powerful tools and, like most (all?) tools, can and often are used for evil. That old saying about sticks and stones and words is mostly false. It’s true in that we must learn not to allow petty insults and ad hominem attacks to affect us in any material way. But it stops there.

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“Is your mind strong enough to resist the seductiveness of these extreme and persistent brainwashing campaigns?”

That’s a tough question to answer. I’d like to think it is strong enough, but I don’t have any real examples (that I can think of right now) that could serve to verify one way or the other.

I do know that I’m fairly erratic in my use of the internet in that I don’t frequent the same news sources (even alternative ones) with any regularity. I’m not great at having a consistent presence on social media either. Maybe that’s why none of these slogans and fear mongering had any real effect on me -- even at the beginning when I suspected something subversive was afoot, but wasn’t sure.

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