Part 1:
Part 2:
In the previous two articles — significant time has been dedicated to the use of specific terminology being repeated, again and again, across different domains.
The ubiquitousness and spread of the repetition is evidence of a set of powerful tooling designed to short-circuit the minds of the afflicted and to develop & strengthen ideological compliance (subservience). There is no room for deviation from ideological purity/consensus — otherwise, you are one of them to the clustered in-group.
This is the tell. It’s an overt exercise in the powerful application of ‘mass conditioning through speech.’
Noam Chomsky became a household name, in part, due to his expertise in linguistics. The study of speech itself. Pioneering ideas such as “Manufacturing Consent” — it is abundantly clear that these techniques have been deployed over a long period of time.
Bold my emphasis below.
Mass Conditioning Through Speech
According to official Pavlovian psychology, human speech is also a conditioned reflex activity. Pavlov distinguished between stimuli of the first order, which condition men and animals directly, and stimuli of the second order, with weaker and more complicated conditioning qualities. In this so called second signal system, verbal cues replace the original physical sound stimuli. Pavlov himself did not give much attention to this second signal system. It was especially after Stalin's publication in 1950 on the significance of linguistics for mass indoctrination (as quoted by Dobrogaev) that the Russian psychologists began to do work in this area. In his letter, Stalin followed Engel's theory that language is the characteristic human bit of adaptive equipment. That tone and sound in speech have a conditioning quality is something we can verify from our own experience in listening to or in giving commands, or in dealing with our pets. Even the symbolic and semantic meaning of words can acquire a conditioning quality. The word "traitor," for example, provokes direct feelings and reactions in the minds of those who hear it spoken, even if this discriminatory label is being applied dishonestly.
Through an elaborate study on speech reflexes written by one of the leading Russian psychologists, Dobrogaev, we get a fairly good insight into the ways in which speech patterns and word signals are used in the service of mass conditioning, by means of propaganda and indoctrination. The basic problems for the man tamer are rather simple: Can man resist a government bent on conditioning him? What can the individual do to protect his mental integrity against the power of a forceful collectivity? Is it possible to do away with every vestige of inner resistance?
Pavlov had already explained that man's relation to the external world, and to his fellow men, is dominated by secondary stimuli, the speech symbols. Man learns to think in words and in the speech figures given him, and these gradually condition his entire outlook on life and on the world. As Dobrogaev says, "Language is the means of man's adaptation to his environment." We could rephrase that statement in this way: man's need for communication with his fellow men interferes with his relation to the outside world, because language and speech itself the verbal tools we use are variable and not objective. Dobrogaev continues: "Speech manifestations represent conditioned reflex functions of the human brain." In a simpler way we may say: he who dictates and formulates the words and phrases we use, he who is master of the press and radio, is master of the mind.
Mass conditioning. By means of propaganda and indoctrination. In other words, the same tools that were previously broadly limited by the ability of the printing press have bene modernized and updated with a real-time and personal twist. Today, the tools are scoped down to the individual level — drawing upon the archetypal patterns of the dominant cultural consensus. Consider either German or American propaganda in the lead up to World War II — each individual inside the confines of the system at the time could choose to read particular sets of speech from the platforms available to them, at that point in time. Everyone would digest information from a similar ‘content pool.’ Now — with highly advanced tools like artificial intelligence driving TikTok feeds and personalized ‘news’ aggregators deployed to each individuals device — concepts such as the particular timing at which notifications can be deployed to an individual, as a trigger stimulus, can now be viewed as the total and complete weaponization of these tactics.
Is your mind strong enough to resist the seductiveness of these extreme and persistent brainwashing campaigns?
Is any mind strong enough to resist? Merloo's compilation of evidence proves no, it's only a matter of time and technique.
My personal resistance approach: Unsubscribe (from all MSM TV and magazine subscriptions). Turn off all social news feeds. Look for the agenda driving the repetitive. Question all authority. Think critically. Stand apart from the crowd. Ask if the opposite were true. Engage with intuition, not indoctrination. Reframe. Reword. Point at the ridiculous and laugh. Be grateful, gracious, and good, yet unyielding.
In my opinion, the Internet and social media, are not extensions or continuations of previous propaganda systems. The only reason MSM has any relevance at all is because people on social media link to it to mock it and criticize it.  we are in a new information environment, one that has never existed on earth before. No one knows how people will adapt to this new environment, but let’s not forget the insane and psychotic abuses of the last thousands of years using books, radio, television. The people of the world are informed, like never before. Giant lies were spread  around the earth in the past. The scamdemic could be the last such operation.