None of the above changes one iota unless Trump smartens up & assembles a first rate legal team [that's right, the Sports Illustrated cover girls he's got now don't qualify] to beat the phony indictments looming around the corner.... and.... he names a killer-elite potential cabinet [particularly, Attorney General] in his presidential announcement. Voters need to know he's advanced beyond the Jeff Sessions stage in order to give them some hope things are capable of being turned around. Exhaustion is setting in.
Why do you feel trump is still the 'hero that will save us from evil'?
At this point in order to be that hero, he would need to apologize for warp speed, denounce pillgates, and declare that JFK jr's vaccine investigation taskforce was something he regrets not doing.
I feel like trump is what pierre is for Canada- a wolf in sheep's clothing. He past laws that allowed the pandemic to take place - as per Katharine Watt's investigation has shown. Both repubs and Democrats are the problem, just like liberals, conservatives, and NDP is Canada's problem. We need a full party wipe in every western nation.
Answer: Trump's not a "hero." [But] He's the only one around who can beat pretty boy Gov Gavin in 2024 [and, believe me, that IS important].
Incidentally, your boy Pierre is a wolf in wolf's clothing. Trump, by contrast, is more or less an honest guy with terrible judgement in cabinet members and wives..... who hopefully knows he owes the public a good explanation for pushing experimental vaccines down their throat. [Notice how he's stopped bragging about subsidizing the vaccine mess]?
You said he isn't a hero, but "he is the only one around who can beat pretty boy gov gavin"! (therefore a hero, no?)
Just because he stopped bragging about the vaccine(not a vaccine, mRNA injection every 6 months is not a vaccine) mess, he is now absolved for what legislation he helped pass?
Again, Pierre is not "my boy", don't put words in my mouth. Why would you consider Trump honest? He is part of the elite class that you will, NEVER be part of ("it's a big club, and you're not in it!") Ah ok you "hope" he is good guy.
Sorry if I seem annoyed, but I just watched countless forms of voting interference in USA's mid terms (Voting machines ran out of paper... say what?) At least we agree on something "He owes the public a good explanation for pushing experimental mRNA technology platform down their throat"
2017/12/12 - Congress and President Trump passed National Defense Authorization Act FY 2018 - PL 115-91, 131 Stat. 1283. Section 716 added subsection (d) to 10 USC 1107a, re: EUA product use in military. But see FDCA amendment, PL 115-92 (below) passed same day, which immediately repealed 10 USC 1107a(d) while adding new FDCA section on military use of EUAs.
2017/12/12 - Congress and President Trump passed Act to amend FDCA EUA statute, 21 USC 360bbb-3. PL 115-92, 131 Stat. 2023. Provided for “Additional Emergency Uses for Medical Products to Reduce Deaths and Severity of Injuries Caused by Agents of War.” Codified at…
This is the kind of thing your "hero" does
2018/10/05 - Congress and President Trump passed Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act. PL 115-254, 132 Stat. 3186. Division D, Disaster Recovery Reform Act, another major FEMA update.
2019/02/11 - President Trump signed Executive Order 13859: Maintaining American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence. Directed and prioritized federal agency collaboration with industry for AI research and development.
2019/06/24 - Congress and President Trump passed Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act - PL 116-22, 133 Stat. 905. Amended Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 201), further consolidating federal power in HHS Secretary’s hands during public health emergencies, further merging public health and law enforcement systems, and further subordinating state, tribal, county and municipal governments and American civilians to direct federal control.
2019/09/19 - President Trump signed Executive Order 13887: Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health. Directed and prioritized federal agency collaboration with industry for rapid-deployment mRNA/DNA/LNP/nanotech bioweapon platforms misclassified as public health protection.
Does he look like a hero now? Heck no! And to be clear, neither wing of your(or mine) government is innocent, it's turtles all the way down man.
These two people are heroines, no matter what way you slice it, they are doing WAY more work to expose the swamp than trump ever did.
Ordinarily I shy away from reading stuff that requires me to click on "expand" ---but in your case I'm glad I did. Always fun to read bright observations. Yeah, between 3 or 4 major media outlets working in conjunction with the government to "stop misinformation" and the government working in conjunction with international health organizations to prevent people from assembling we've pretty much said 'bye' to the first amendment in the United States. Although you were too merciful to mention it we've also bid adieu to due process [hearing and notice before deprivation of property] and equal protection [numerically even distribution of government burdens or benefits absent compelling reasons].
You have every right to be "agitated", my friend. [But] as somebody who's tried upwards of 300 jury trials may I suggest the trick is to woo folks who might just be willing to see things your way?
It's too late for Trump or anyone else to fix things here. We are late stage Kleptocracy. DC is a criminal Cartel and there isn't a single known leader in the US who could force through the kind of radical changes needed to kick out the crooks (and live to tell about it).
Look what happened to JFK and RFK. The mere threat from Kennedy to disperse the CIA got his head blown off. So, no,neither Trump nor Desantis nor anyone else you can name will be allowed to challenge the Cartel. What then?
Our best hope may be in the citizens of some Red states to demand that their state refuse and nullify the inevitable totalitarian edicts coming from DC. There's no appetite for military force being used against states so it will be financial and economic. Survive that and maybe there's a way.
If the members of this congress were at the Alamo & Colonel Travis drew that line in the sand and asked who wanted to stay and who wanted to fight not one person would elect to stay and fight.....
I appreciate this article, intelligent insight. I would add to the standard of living equation the erosion of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, the unprecedented erosion of labor participation being caused by the deaths from the experimental gene therapy, and the digital transformation underway. Many market forces are working at once and highly complex. Further with a fascist lying Government, big business and media working together, the average Joe has 0 chance to understand it all. They want bread and circus.
One of the things the emerging secessionary Conference of American States should do is create a new currency, probably metals-based, mint coins, and declare them legal tender.
Am I reading this correctly, that the main change in M2 reporting is that it is no longer accounting for individual savings accounts? If so, would that mean they are trying to hide the losses all of us small people are going to get as they move forward with money printing/inflation?
I would also agree. Changes in comp data should be highly scrutinized as to not screw up historical data going forward. So this is suspicious. Like not using food or gas in the CPI. Total bullshit
[btw, Wasn't it fun when another not very bright (and UNvirtuous) man--- by the name of Brad Pitt---- accepted his Academy Award with, "I would love to give my 30 seconds to John Bolton." John Bolton?! Brad Pitt was thinking about John Bolton during the Awards ceremony?! Wish we had a transcript of the call from the Academy wherein Brad was told "You're getting an award ......but there are a few words you'll need to say as you're accepting a pencil...good....write this down..."].....
None of the above changes one iota unless Trump smartens up & assembles a first rate legal team [that's right, the Sports Illustrated cover girls he's got now don't qualify] to beat the phony indictments looming around the corner.... and.... he names a killer-elite potential cabinet [particularly, Attorney General] in his presidential announcement. Voters need to know he's advanced beyond the Jeff Sessions stage in order to give them some hope things are capable of being turned around. Exhaustion is setting in.
Why do you feel trump is still the 'hero that will save us from evil'?
At this point in order to be that hero, he would need to apologize for warp speed, denounce pillgates, and declare that JFK jr's vaccine investigation taskforce was something he regrets not doing.
I feel like trump is what pierre is for Canada- a wolf in sheep's clothing. He past laws that allowed the pandemic to take place - as per Katharine Watt's investigation has shown. Both repubs and Democrats are the problem, just like liberals, conservatives, and NDP is Canada's problem. We need a full party wipe in every western nation.
Answer: Trump's not a "hero." [But] He's the only one around who can beat pretty boy Gov Gavin in 2024 [and, believe me, that IS important].
Incidentally, your boy Pierre is a wolf in wolf's clothing. Trump, by contrast, is more or less an honest guy with terrible judgement in cabinet members and wives..... who hopefully knows he owes the public a good explanation for pushing experimental vaccines down their throat. [Notice how he's stopped bragging about subsidizing the vaccine mess]?
You said he isn't a hero, but "he is the only one around who can beat pretty boy gov gavin"! (therefore a hero, no?)
Just because he stopped bragging about the vaccine(not a vaccine, mRNA injection every 6 months is not a vaccine) mess, he is now absolved for what legislation he helped pass?
Again, Pierre is not "my boy", don't put words in my mouth. Why would you consider Trump honest? He is part of the elite class that you will, NEVER be part of ("it's a big club, and you're not in it!") Ah ok you "hope" he is good guy.
Sorry if I seem annoyed, but I just watched countless forms of voting interference in USA's mid terms (Voting machines ran out of paper... say what?) At least we agree on something "He owes the public a good explanation for pushing experimental mRNA technology platform down their throat"
Here is what your 'hero' accomplished -
2017/12/12 - Congress and President Trump passed National Defense Authorization Act FY 2018 - PL 115-91, 131 Stat. 1283. Section 716 added subsection (d) to 10 USC 1107a, re: EUA product use in military. But see FDCA amendment, PL 115-92 (below) passed same day, which immediately repealed 10 USC 1107a(d) while adding new FDCA section on military use of EUAs.
2017/12/12 - Congress and President Trump passed Act to amend FDCA EUA statute, 21 USC 360bbb-3. PL 115-92, 131 Stat. 2023. Provided for “Additional Emergency Uses for Medical Products to Reduce Deaths and Severity of Injuries Caused by Agents of War.” Codified at…
This is the kind of thing your "hero" does
2018/10/05 - Congress and President Trump passed Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act. PL 115-254, 132 Stat. 3186. Division D, Disaster Recovery Reform Act, another major FEMA update.
2019/02/11 - President Trump signed Executive Order 13859: Maintaining American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence. Directed and prioritized federal agency collaboration with industry for AI research and development.
2019/06/24 - Congress and President Trump passed Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act - PL 116-22, 133 Stat. 905. Amended Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 201), further consolidating federal power in HHS Secretary’s hands during public health emergencies, further merging public health and law enforcement systems, and further subordinating state, tribal, county and municipal governments and American civilians to direct federal control.
2019/09/19 - President Trump signed Executive Order 13887: Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health. Directed and prioritized federal agency collaboration with industry for rapid-deployment mRNA/DNA/LNP/nanotech bioweapon platforms misclassified as public health protection.
Does he look like a hero now? Heck no! And to be clear, neither wing of your(or mine) government is innocent, it's turtles all the way down man.
These two people are heroines, no matter what way you slice it, they are doing WAY more work to expose the swamp than trump ever did.
Again, I apologize if I seem agitated. This Hero ball stuff is getting us no where.
Ordinarily I shy away from reading stuff that requires me to click on "expand" ---but in your case I'm glad I did. Always fun to read bright observations. Yeah, between 3 or 4 major media outlets working in conjunction with the government to "stop misinformation" and the government working in conjunction with international health organizations to prevent people from assembling we've pretty much said 'bye' to the first amendment in the United States. Although you were too merciful to mention it we've also bid adieu to due process [hearing and notice before deprivation of property] and equal protection [numerically even distribution of government burdens or benefits absent compelling reasons].
You have every right to be "agitated", my friend. [But] as somebody who's tried upwards of 300 jury trials may I suggest the trick is to woo folks who might just be willing to see things your way?
It's too late for Trump or anyone else to fix things here. We are late stage Kleptocracy. DC is a criminal Cartel and there isn't a single known leader in the US who could force through the kind of radical changes needed to kick out the crooks (and live to tell about it).
Look what happened to JFK and RFK. The mere threat from Kennedy to disperse the CIA got his head blown off. So, no,neither Trump nor Desantis nor anyone else you can name will be allowed to challenge the Cartel. What then?
Our best hope may be in the citizens of some Red states to demand that their state refuse and nullify the inevitable totalitarian edicts coming from DC. There's no appetite for military force being used against states so it will be financial and economic. Survive that and maybe there's a way.
If the members of this congress were at the Alamo & Colonel Travis drew that line in the sand and asked who wanted to stay and who wanted to fight not one person would elect to stay and fight.....
Truth Bomb!
I appreciate this article, intelligent insight. I would add to the standard of living equation the erosion of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, the unprecedented erosion of labor participation being caused by the deaths from the experimental gene therapy, and the digital transformation underway. Many market forces are working at once and highly complex. Further with a fascist lying Government, big business and media working together, the average Joe has 0 chance to understand it all. They want bread and circus.
One of the things the emerging secessionary Conference of American States should do is create a new currency, probably metals-based, mint coins, and declare them legal tender.
Am I reading this correctly, that the main change in M2 reporting is that it is no longer accounting for individual savings accounts? If so, would that mean they are trying to hide the losses all of us small people are going to get as they move forward with money printing/inflation?
I believe so
I would also agree. Changes in comp data should be highly scrutinized as to not screw up historical data going forward. So this is suspicious. Like not using food or gas in the CPI. Total bullshit
Appreciate the insight and look forward to more.
You assume Trump is the defacto nominee. Mistake
I assume this. Bolton- no Pence-no DeSantis - maybe. Who else is there with a big enough name. Rinos won’t cut it. Flynn?
By "Flynn" you wouldn't happen to mean General Flynn? That virtuous, older gentleman ---full of sincerity and kinda low on brainpower? That Flynn?
[btw, Wasn't it fun when another not very bright (and UNvirtuous) man--- by the name of Brad Pitt---- accepted his Academy Award with, "I would love to give my 30 seconds to John Bolton." John Bolton?! Brad Pitt was thinking about John Bolton during the Awards ceremony?! Wish we had a transcript of the call from the Academy wherein Brad was told "You're getting an award ......but there are a few words you'll need to say as you're accepting a pencil...good....write this down..."].....