Part 1: Precipitous Drop in Standard of Living just on the Horizon
Why the standard of living in the US is about to plummet, and a series on how to avoid it.
*This is not financial advice. It is simply grounded opinion based on living on Planet Reality.*
If you were even remotely caught off guard by the recent spikes in interest rates, home prices, consumer goods, or life’s necessities — this is information that will be absolutely critical in the next 12-72 month period for you to digest, come to terms with, and then act upon.
Having substantial private-sector experience in what today is considered ‘traditional finance’ as well as high-tech financial technology (‘fintech’), I have seen and analyzed firsthand the impact technological advancements have had on how ‘money’ at both the individual and institutional level is dealt with in the United States.
What I can definitively point to is the fact that:
.. when it comes to finances, especially at the Federal level.
I have privately provided warnings regarding inflation since the day the federal and state responses to COVID began — because it was patently obvious in retrospect where things were going — because when you print a comparatively historically enormous amount of money — you dilute the value of all existing money in circulation. This process takes a substantial amount of time, and we have only just begun to feel the effects of these dramatic changes.
This is not a ‘politicized’ warning — it is simply mathematic in nature. Many today have been willfully misguided (or duped) by media pundits or politicians to believe that corporate price gouging, or Putin, or this, or that unrelated or tangentially related factor are what is truly behind the massive surge in inflation. Perhaps some individuals have even been led to believe that inflation is a “global problem” which, while true, misses the underlying stressors and causes which created the larger underlying problems in the first place. If there is a ‘relatively small’ amount of inflation in the US, and the overwhelming majority of international trade is denominated in US currency, then why the hell WOULDN’T there be global inflation? No. There is massive global inflation.
As a thought experiment — think about how someone would have managed their money (and by extension — their life) in 1800 — 1850 — 1900 — 1950 and so on. Interspersed throughout this period of time were several major catastrophic incidents (think Black Friday, or the series of Banking Panics) that shaped and reshaped how regulations impacted banks or other related institutions (stock markets, commodities markets, etc.) Think about the regulatory environment in which individuals during this period of time lived. With each new crisis, new responses were dreamed up — culminating in the desire or need to centrally plan and manage the currency of the United States to prevent these crises. Blissfully unaware, with each passing crisis, those who came before us were being death-marched towards the centralized system of technological control now taking shape in the form of products like Central Bank Digital Currencies.
Over time — the level of complexity within and surrounding these institutions and their accompanying regulators has increased dramatically — in both orientation and tooling. Over the last 20-30-odd years, however, the pace of advancement has gone absolutely parabolic. This pace is now so dramatic as it relates to how technology has impacted automating manual processes, like the filing of Suspicious Activity Reports [SAR] and Know Your Client [KYC] — making them substantially less time consuming & expensive — that in many cases, removing the need for human intervention throughout the process is not only feasible — it’s PREFERRED.
Ultimately, this relationship between regulator and regulated has turned both sides of the “Regulator / Regulated” equation into hollowed out husks — in which both institution and regulator alike have entered a cyclical pattern of unstoppable decay. In other words, think about what we’ve learned in just the last few years regarding the following relationship.
CDC is to —> Big Pharma (Pfizer, Moderna);
What have we learned? We’ve learned that Pfizer has the CDC in its back pocket — and of equal importance, the inverse is the case. How often in your lifetime have you been coerced or compelled under penalty BY YOUR GOVERNMENT to use a product which was ostensibly created in the private sector (caveat, in cahoots with said government; by way of WARP SPEED)? How often have you been threatened with joblessness [read: homelessness], socially ostracized, and untold other consequences for not accepting the work product of a private company for any reason? In this instance, the ‘People’ are now the regulated, and the ‘Government’ has effectively stepped into the role as ‘regulator’. Do this and we won’t harm you. It’s a small request. Don't be afraid.
Point being — the incestuous public-private relationship/partnership between Big Pharma and the people that are supposed to keep them ‘Under Control’ has clearly come unglued from reality.
Take another example:
FCC is to —> Big Communications (Verizon, AT&T)
What have we learned? Verizon is going to grow larger. Verizon is going to bid on radio spectrum [invisible radio waves that ostensibly ‘belong’ to the public] and get it. You aren’t going to bid on that spectrum, because you don’t have the money, nor the tools to broadcast on that wavelength. People who are at senior positions at Verizon are going to wind up at the FCC — selling the ‘public’ spectrum back to Verizon — and when they’re done selling the ‘public spectrum’ they’ll get another senior position and a bonus at Verizon. The same goes for AT&T and all other media conglomerates that fall under the FCC’s purview. In other words — if 1000’s of Twitter employees are being canned — can they simply accept government jobs as ‘censors’ at the FCC who then designate what is ‘acceptable’ vs ‘unacceptable’ speech in order to ‘police’ what they determine is ‘hate speech’ on a platform like Twitter? What if they believe that “Holocaust Denial” and “Election Denial” are the same thing? In Germany and many other countries — Holocaust denial is a criminal act. In the United States, while distasteful, this type of law would undermine the concept of Freedom of Speech. I digress.
What does this have to do with MONEY?
Now — expanding on the previous two examples.
The Federal Reserve System is to —> Big Banks (Goldman Sachs, Chase, and so on..)
As a more specific and clear analogy, many are aware of the scandal surrounding COVID death certificates. At some point, there was a change made after 2020 to reflect ‘COVID’ deaths as a ‘cause of death’. Let’s suppose that this change is central to one of the most prolific efforts to perpetrate wholesale enterprise fraud that has ever been undertaken in the United States. We are all well versed in this institutional fraud by now. But how many people does it really take to pull a scam like this off? And could you pull off an even bigger heist with more people in on it? What if the other heist was slated to be much bigger because it involved everyones money?
Q: How many people work at the CDC?
A: Approximately 11,000
Q: How many people work at the Federal Reserve?
A: Some number over 20,000
If you add to the number of employees that work directly for the Federal Reserve the total number of employees that work at the Member Banks — this number is simply astronomical.
If the CDC was able to construct the largest wholesale fraud construct in living memory with just 11,000 employees — what could they do to us if they were doubled in size? What could they do to us if they literally controlled our financial system?
What if I told you that the Federal Reserve started ‘counting’ the money supply differently after May, 2020 as well? Yep. That’s what they did. Read it here (old) and here (new).
To what extent does this ‘alteration’ have an impact on your day to day life? It’s too early to say — but you're no doubt already feeling the hit in your wallet, and the major transitions haven’t even begun yet. The ideas are being socialized, but they have not yet arrived.
You must become acutely aware of the scale of the financial shell game being played, and at the end of the game, you may lose, but the house — the casino — in this case, the Federal Reserve and its ultra-massive member banks will win either way. Now that inflation has been with us for some time, it’s clear that this was all fairly predictable, and now we’ve seen some of the’s time to figure out what’s next and what to do about it, particularly as Europe is being openly plunged into recession as we speak.
Look for Part 2 coming soon.
None of the above changes one iota unless Trump smartens up & assembles a first rate legal team [that's right, the Sports Illustrated cover girls he's got now don't qualify] to beat the phony indictments looming around the corner.... and.... he names a killer-elite potential cabinet [particularly, Attorney General] in his presidential announcement. Voters need to know he's advanced beyond the Jeff Sessions stage in order to give them some hope things are capable of being turned around. Exhaustion is setting in.
I appreciate this article, intelligent insight. I would add to the standard of living equation the erosion of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, the unprecedented erosion of labor participation being caused by the deaths from the experimental gene therapy, and the digital transformation underway. Many market forces are working at once and highly complex. Further with a fascist lying Government, big business and media working together, the average Joe has 0 chance to understand it all. They want bread and circus.