Most of the "leaders" involved could not lead a Boy Scout troop. But they do know how to start a stampede. And the mask is a great tool for that. So what if these non-leader stampeders get a few people killed, maimed, or otherwise harmed? No problem; stampeders simply do not care how many people get trampled so long as they get what they want.

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There is no scientific evidence that supports mask, even the gold standard mask n95 stopping the covid virus, in fact the evidence is to the contrary. .01 vs. .04 microns, virus particle size compared to mask weave. The proverbial mosquito to the chain link fence. However, oxygen is still and important element in the Krebs cycle, and it is proven the mask breed unhealthy bacteria that get into the lungs. Yet our "healthcare" institutions demand the worthless mask be worn discrediting themsleves as "experts" on healthcare. It's all about fear, control, and stupidity.

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I apologize for errors in my post but I am on an iPhone and have auto correct on so sometimes a word is out of place.

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As far as I know, no one has officially mandated masking ~ just recommended masking. The true test will come when it is mandated and how many fearfully/ritualistically comply...

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Not all mask (respirator) wearers are of this mindset. Pre-plandemic I lived in Japan and masks were part of the culture to maintain health, living in Tokyo I never got sick. So I’ve been utilising them for decades! However my ‘only ever lived in western society’ friends and family have major issues with them. I believe the Globalist Cabal (Freemasons) have weaponised masks, they’re ritual and a form of subjugation and control. Despite knowing this I choose to continue to use a respirator around other people because I WANT NO PART OF THIS BIO-WAR!!!!! I don’t want the spike protein via injection or via corona virus! I want none of it! If respirator use makes me an outcast with people projecting these asleep-sheeple judgements onto me…. I don’t care! Because I’m HEALTHY. Fact is nobody knows yet wether the virus has long term implications because not all viruses kill immediately, like AIDS. When I know for certain it’s not a bioweapon and just a harmless cold I’ll show my face but till then I’m in the control group, and we wear respirators!

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