Masks as Occult Symbolism Representing Subservience
Masking is coming back. But what is the real purpose?
With masks making an unwanted comeback.. The usual analogies like ‘trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence’, and the false datasets that ‘prove’ masks offer some kind of ‘protection’ against COVID all continue to apply. Without delving into the developmental harm being done to a generation of children — there is another purpose behind the masking phenonomom.

There is, as with most everything else these days, a far more sinister purpose lurking behind the proliferation (and reoccurrence) of the phenomenon of mass-masking — besides the overt social signaling pattern between those who supposedly ‘care’ about their community. Make no mistake — inside the mind of the average masker, they truly believe they are doing the ‘right’ thing and that the ‘data’ they have seen (in reality: the propaganda) confirms the usefulness of masks in stopping the spread of SARS-CoV-2. While we know this is all upside-down — and the harms being done far outweigh any perceived benefit to the mass-adoption of masking, particularly in young children — the reoccurrence is important to make note of.
That sinister purpose is an inward-focused building of a pattern of blind subservience to authority driven by intangible fear. Another purpose is the initiation, by way of the repeated ritual of donning the face covering itself, into a form of occult subservience. The repetition of the act by itself is enough to identify this as behavior largely driven as part of a larger cult initiation procedure. By covering their faces — they are placing an overt signaling pattern out to others that they too are in danger. Now, when these individuals leave their home, in their minds — they are no longer ‘safe’ to breathe the air. Regardless of what one believes about the mortality or negative outcomes of a SARS-CoV-2 infection — the fear that there is ‘danger’ in sharing air with others in a confined space (or even when alone) is, in and of itself, a self-sustaining fear manifestation factory. Inwardly this decision is driven primarily out of fear, and outwardly the decisioning process manifests itself by instilling fear in others.
Perhaps, overtly at least, this (the reintroduction of masking as part of ‘official guidance’ in certain geographies) is part of a larger strategy around driving the mass injection campaigns into the winter — to make sure doses aren’t wasted. Covertly, it is an indoctrination technique specifically designed to continue the spread of the fear and paranoia propaganda operation.
I saw an elderly woman, who I can only assume was frightened half to death of her own shadow, drive the wrong way down a one-way. She was alone in her car — looking straight ahead (at signs directing ‘DO NOT ENTER’ while wearing an N95 mask. She continued on past the signage anyway.
Some ‘official instructions’ are ‘valid’ — but others are ‘invalid’ as the circumstances permit.
Most of the "leaders" involved could not lead a Boy Scout troop. But they do know how to start a stampede. And the mask is a great tool for that. So what if these non-leader stampeders get a few people killed, maimed, or otherwise harmed? No problem; stampeders simply do not care how many people get trampled so long as they get what they want.
There is no scientific evidence that supports mask, even the gold standard mask n95 stopping the covid virus, in fact the evidence is to the contrary. .01 vs. .04 microns, virus particle size compared to mask weave. The proverbial mosquito to the chain link fence. However, oxygen is still and important element in the Krebs cycle, and it is proven the mask breed unhealthy bacteria that get into the lungs. Yet our "healthcare" institutions demand the worthless mask be worn discrediting themsleves as "experts" on healthcare. It's all about fear, control, and stupidity.