Looks like a carrot to me. By the time "long term" studies are done, you will be dead. If sHot injured don't stand up, they will get what they have asked for. Which is NOTHING. We screamed NO, you must scream NO MORE!!!!!!!!

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The injections are causing the deaths, NOT a virus. It is proven, this is how we know:

First, lets look at the death numbers. Look at the excess deaths by age cohort and time. There was a jump in working age deaths 25 to 44 when the mandates rolled out. Not older people, not younger people, just the working group. So unless a virus knows to target a certain age of people, 25 to 44 years old, and knows exactly WHEN to target them (exactly when the mandates roll out), It can't be a virus.

See this information by Ed Dowd:


But wait, there's more!!

Dr Ryan Cole (Mayo clinic trained pathologist) explains in the following video how tissue samples can be stained and analyzed to determine if the spike proteins in the tissue are a result of infection or injection. From this, one can determine the sudden deaths are a result of the INJECTIONS. Injection caused spikes (not virus caused) are overwhelming the tissues in organs.

See the 26 minute mark in this video:


So by putting these pieces of information together now we have a population wide impact and can measure it by age group and time. We also know the specific mechanism of action via tissue samples and can differentiate mechanism between virus cause and injection cause.

It is conclusive the injections ARE causing the deaths. Maybe not all of them but clearly a huge number.

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Praise God the division and control over the World caused by evil uses of this "pandemic" are being challenged. Praying for all innocent people who are suffering under evil plans of evil people who must not succeed.

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🫡 love your work - thank you 🫶

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