I think people fail to understand the 5D chess that is being played here. This is not an episode of Dragnet on TV.

The cabal wants this information out. In fact, they want you to know it was AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS that are maiming and killing citizens worldwide. Why? Because they’re trying to destroy America. And what better way to fan the flames of revolution than to let everyone know their country is criminal and corrupt, to the point of genocide?

They want you on your knees. Only then will you accept their New World Order.

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I agree, but will not comply. They can go back to the hell they came from. They will not take away my right to choose what goes in my body and they will not take my Liberty. I do not consent.

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Praying that doctors find ways to reverse the massive damage the Covid shots are causing & praying people stop getting these death shots & seek help as soon as possible.

Also I pray that more people speak up & share the “Died Suddenly” video & those that have been injured sue everyone involved with the Covid depopulation shots.

We will never know how many people have died from the Covid shots because very few autopsies are being done & the Covid shots cause so many different deaths.


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"It's ok my wife only took 2 shots, no boosters."

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