Vaccine Disaster: $cientists Are [Slowly] Becoming Aware It Is Poison
And why they may not even regret it.
Read this mind-blowing since deleted Tweet if you haven’t yet.
This is a powerful example and case-study on cult-thinking, MindRape, and the awe inspiring power of modern behavioral techniques as applied to the victims of the Mysterious Genetic Serum Injections.
Analyzing this word-by-word as it is simply too much to take in at once, without additional context and framing.
The tweet screenshot is below in case you, like me, cannot believe it. The last I saw — the account was protected and this was gone.
“I will never regret the vaccine.”
That’s fine. There could very well be circumstances where one might regret any particular decision, but that’s fine. I can’t really think of any right now..but..
“Even if it turns out I injected actual poison and have only days to live.”
Even if…excuse me? What?
Wouldn’t that be a ‘circumstance where one might regret a particular decision?’ I know that if I personally “injected actual poison” into my own body, thinking it was something else (a cure, even), I might come to eventually regret that decision.
And that would be fair. This person is simply one of many MindRape victims that is now unable to reconcile these two incompatible beliefs — that the very thing they believed would help them may have actually harmed them.
They are simply unaware of the vast scale of Enterprise Fraud.
“My heart and is was in the right place.”
No one asked, but that’s fine.
What if your heart is in the right place, but your mind cannot follow along objectively?
“I got vaccinated out of love, while antivaxxers did everything out of hate.”
What if — as ‘Dr. Natalia’ lays out earlier, so-called ‘antivaxxers’ simply believed, as ‘Dr. Natalia’ seems to now speculate — that the Mysterious Gene Serum Injections might be poison before she started thinking they might be?
Why would anyone voluntarily inject themselves with poison out of love — or hate?
“If I have to die because of my love for the world, then so be it.”
This is the kool-aid hit from which there is no return.
This is Jonestown level stuff. Frothy mouth and all — no regrets. So be it.
It. Is. A. Cult.
“But I will never regret or apologize for it.”
Even if you found out later you “injected actual poison and have only days to live.”
This is called the “sunk-cost fallacy.”
This is when you do something, you find out you are or may have been wrong about it, and you possibly even internalize that you have “poisoned” yourself (her words, not mine) and yet you continue on, without a course correction.
This one line, in context with the 2nd line regarding “actual poison” being injected — put into context the indoctrination of this ‘Doctor’ into the Kool-Aid drinking Death Cult.
To read more on the strategy of victimization that led to such bizarre patterns of thinking, see below:
That post blew me away when I first saw it. In my mind that person was no longer rational, deluded. I did not realize that is was a cult induced dissaciation. Thank you.
and poisoning her patients who acted on her recommendations. I assume also out of 'love' and 'with her heart in the right place.' I wonder what advice a patient would expect. Heart on left side of ribcage advice. or advice that doesn't lead to being poisoned into ill health or death. Wondering if her iq dropped or if it was always so perilously close to the bottom of the trough. where she feeds.