Rattling the Snake: Evoking Childlike Responses
Users guide to Deterministic Shill Detection & Modeling.
Grab the snake carefully and shake it.
The gem of knowledge excerpted below from Michael Yon is worth reading 5 times if you must.
Read it until you internalize the depths to which your favorite ‘heroes’ are controlled, in different respects.
For example:
Some of your heroes will shill vax.
Some will shill Ukraine.
Some will shill war.
Some will shill NFTs.
Some will shill stochastic terrorism.
More still will shill vax, and tell you the debate is over.
Debates are sometimes settled with or without capitulation from those who are on the losing side. Sometimes debates are settled, with one side still trapped in the belief that they have a monopoly on the debate parameters. See vax shilling for more on that.
Some will even shill a worldview that believes the Chinese Communist Party (a complex and fraudulent construct of the US State Department & Still-At-Large Occult) seizing Taiwan (which has always been a part of China ..sure) by force will somehow be a net positive good.
As a reminder — the thinking process being described here begins with parameters like this:
There are many who worship certain individuals (politicians, media figures, even nations, or similar / other) & project this idolatrous worldview unto others.
Since their only frame of reference is the personal worship of others — YOU too must worship someone in the same way they do.
The shill, none the wiser for it, and now in a mode which can only be described as full aggressive projection, accuses you of the very crime they are guilty of:
Idol worship.
There will be a point where, regardless of personal capitulation, the debates begin to end — the chickens come home to roost — and all sales are final.
No refunds.
Because everyone who works for MSM/company is owned. EVERYONE. Zero exception. This includes Joe Rogan. @PeterZeihan and @neiltyson are slaves. To free, you must walk from the cage. But most of them will not be free because their cages are disguised as opulent homes, first class tickets, and five star hotels. Yet they are slaves. Deep within, they know it. Some wish to be free, yet unwilling to pay the price or from fear, they huddle in the “safe” cage. Others are happy to be kept men and women, prostitutes. This observation is without judgement.

In order to understand who is controlled opposition, who is a ‘shill’, and who is simply deluded (hint: most) and unwittingly volunteers their thoughts to the hive — above is a simple equation.
Those of us who are independent, know how to properly reserve judgement & use discernment can tell you:
Two things can be true at the same time.
For example:
Trump pushes DeathJab. Trump claims to be father of WarpSpeed & the vaccine, which is injuring and killing millions.
Trump won the election.
For example:
Joe Rogan pushes moderately accurate view on Killer Gene Serum Injections.
Joe Rogan parrots many globalist talking points, seeding them into impressionable minds.
For example:
Elon Musk getting us off this planet as quickly as possible may be a good idea in the near-term. Debatable.
Elon Musk building advanced AI systems and partnering so closely with the Chinese Communist Party has thoroughly compromised him. Not to mention — he wasn’t warned ahead of time about the innumerable dangers of the Death Injections — and continues to shill their derivatives.

If you are waiting for a heroic politician…
A heroic media figure..
A heroic billionaire.
Supranational organization.
Substack post.
Twitter Space.
You are wasting your time, as a child might.
You are going to do it yourself in the end.
Denying this will simply prolong the inevitable.
I'm part of that nuance group, although I would say I do call others 'vaccine cultists', not because I engage in 'idol worship' myself, but because it is the only plausible explanation I can present for why swathes of people will ignore evidence and invoke unevidenced *belief* in "safe and effective" parroted ad nauseam like a rehearsal script.
In terms of Trump, I agree the election is rigged, but I caveat this view with the concept all elections are rigged (anyone recall Bush vote rig?), not just in votes, but in choice. Who you get to vote for boils down to one of two not-great options.
No way Dementia Biden could naturally win based on his characteristics. At the same time, Trump financed Operation Warp Speed to the tune of billions, and had stocks and shares in Johnson & Johnson. Meanwhile Dementia Biden tried to pass vaccine mandates and tried to criminalise speech.
Like a hacksaw, the push-pull of the "two" parties cuts deep into liberty.
People must fight for their own freedom. I must politely push back on the 'terrorism' designation, however, because no Revolution is truly peaceful, and to be fair the concept of 'terrorist' was a US government invention used to designate enemies of the State, not enemies of freedom. Just ask the 'domestic terrorist' parents who fight for their children in school board meetings.
There's no peaceful placard approach to this, as J6 should have taught everybody. Rule of law is bent as traps are set up by pretend policemen faking their roles as 'protectors of liberty and freedom' whilst jackbooting and beating those peacefully asserting their rights, all for a chequebook from daddy government.
Legal cases get ground up under slow bureaucratic jurisprudence whilst corrupt judges throw everyone under the bus. Petitions are ignored, evidence is castrated, people's freedoms downtrodden by the stroke of an Executive Order pen in every State, as Senates uhm and arr over whether or not they should propose another time delay weak amendment to a thoroughly corrupt kickback bills lining their pockets with billions.
There is no vote you can cast that grants freedom, the Revolution against the Brits showed that, just short of it coming in lead casket form.
Tyrants ignore votes, peace lovers don't need it.
Falls to us all to make a stand, here and now, lest we lose it all irrevocably forever!
Exactly why I don’t view anyone, including Trump, worthy of worship. Never bought into the idea of the over-value of any celebrity as we all are gifted in some form by God. Some are extraordinarily gifted, but in the end we are all human; and, as such, prone to failure. I look at Trump as the (known) catalyst for the resistance to the ‘deep state’ here and the cabal worldwide. He’s not the savior. Post WWII, the technological advances allowed for the programming of several generations to begin ‘celebrity worship’ so eventually the cabal puppets could use the celebrity class to push their agenda quicker, amass more influence and power. Most people who know they themselves can make good decisions on their own discount anything actors, sports, music, etc., tell them what to do and how to think. I’d venture that these same people aren’t vaccinated and knew the so-called media were liars. Great observations! God bless you!