Putin!! Come blow this thing up!!

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Right in the middle of the nation. Great.

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What could go wrong? At least there will be 18,000 less cows to worry about. Instead of a dust bowl it will be a death bowl.✝️🇺🇸

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That figure of 18,000 does not make sense. I know it has been reported but THINK about it. Not possible to house that many cows nor milk that many cows..sites that help figure area needed for milking cows say it would take 25 football fields with cows standing right next to each other to accommodate that many..also based on a 7hr milking cycle max cows milked based on a herd of 2450 is 250..cows have to be milked twice a day. It would take many more than 1 person to deal with that many cows...so there would have been more people injured..and to destroy that many cows would require an explosion and fire of a lot larger causing a lit more damaged area..

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Thank you, I am not familiar with the process and requirements. If I had not mentioned that I would never have learned about what is involved. That is why a community is so important. We cannot be expected to know everything about everything. I truly appreciate your broadening my horizon.✝️🇺🇸

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Vilsak the only Trump official who stayed on? That says it all!

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He was formerly part of the Obama administration.

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