Pass. I don’t think i’ll ever accept a “vaccine” ever again but will rely on my immune system. Pharmaceuticals are dead to me

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Maybe WHO failed them because it wouldn't kill enough people and its too cheap. I’d take a nasal spray over an injection any day (not that I would take either). And no live virus like the nasal flu vax

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Nope. Hard pass. Will the FDA approve? We already have nasal flu vaccines -- have had for years, so I imagine they absolutely will.

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Easy way oout: 100 millions of years, upon falling ill, all social living mammals retreat by instinct, to protect the family/group from infection, and, upon feeling better, come back and SHED broken pathogens in sub-infectious dosing to the group, donating PRE-IMMUNITY.

Some ca. 3 rounds of shedding later, one may well develop STERILISING IMMUNITY just upon sub-infectious shedding reception.

So how many minutes do you think some village physician or lab tech or private person does need to take some freshly infected's snot, sterilise it, filtrate, and fill it into a nasal spray?

I think with routine, I will do it on the fly in 1 minute.

Any inorganic antiseptic is able to sterlisise in 1min., one can add a drop into the ready spray (low dose, as it soothes the immune system, which is what we now do not want to have).


Still, my firm belief is that I rather emulate being naturally shed to, by say 1 week 4x/day spraying the sterilised pathogen to my nose, in ultra low dose, than introduce any kind of "booster", aka, adjuvans, and may it be plant based, which is in principle some cool idea (M@trix-M being the one innovation of Novavx).

We just have to avoid what we see now in the x-times (x->inf.) boostered persons: TOLERANCE, which is very detrimental, and I just want to know how to help the boostered to get rid of it. Perhaps some detox, rehab like from heroine;)

Since the procedure of "being shed to" is in "field test" or rather, as all plants and animals, was there BEFORE us humans, for some hundred millions of years now, I think, limiting the spray use to a week will be safe. To emulate it perfectly, one could even use waning doses there, but I think it is not necessary. Shedding is often very random, as we meet someone a few times, than not for a week, then his-her residual broken pathogens are all detoxed out.

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For this to work, we need competent nK, natural immunity on the mucosa (or wherever infections start).

Claim: ALL MEASURES prevented this. Deprived nK and natural immunity.

- mRNA is bad, as spike is a badass molecule, the worst of bad molecules. BUT:

- LNP is less obvious, but worse, as it INHERITABLY by epigenetic trauma re-programmes immunity (and hormonal setup) eg DOWNREGULATING nK, CD4/8/34+) - well able to explain all the multitude of epidemics wave over wave of all kinds of stuff getting fiercer, more infectious, people coughing half of the year - which is the cure, alas a hardcore variant, as every infection on mucosa trains immunity. Keep with Prof. Bossche: "Infect-than-treat" as done with all cattle when no proper vaccine is around.

- masks: stress due to CO2 intoxication, toxic nano particles most labs can't measure, depriving us emotional contact (also depringing nK), and deprivation of natural training by "messengers" through aerosols, and of course (hopefully mostly inactivated) pathogens on droplets. Messengers: I think it is proven now that exosomes produced by our cells are messengers, we communicate with ultra wide bandwidths insides our bodies, but also outsides, between humans, but also to other beings, may it be animals or plants. Of course, if the message is hacked as in spike to "DIE: clot your blood, get alzheimer, mad cow's disease (yes, the PRION is in the spike of wuhan, not later in circulation; evolution got rid of USELESS stuff) and other neurogenerative diseases, AI, MCAS, MAS, ...) - we may obey or counter-narrate the message by ligher ones: LIVE: stabilise clotting, dring enough, use natural remedies anti-clotting (black cumine etc), stive, laugh, have joy, share it with other humans and beings (of Gaia, the boundless rich planet we live on)...

- hygiene rules that murderously lie (3m is shooting distance of one droplet from cough/sneeze/NOSE-BLOWING, 10.000ths get emited from one such event, ONE is infectious, they hang 40 SECONDS in air, slowly sinking down. EVERY mask has patches to contact to face line where contact pressure is low, and inner filtrating fleece line is not filtrating at all, as clever engineers wanted it to be breathable and skin-friendly; and if not pressed not even thick droplets get filtrated: THAT's the reason for 0 efficacy of masks (and the MEASURE of 0 efficacy upon mandating n95 masks is proof AEROSOLS are ZERO problem in real live): we all get infected by DROPLETS lingering around, shooting around corners (yes, >70% get REFLECTED by sneezing into elbo even if a cloth is on it, and even insides a mask: it LIFTS OFF, and shoots out a jet of infectious droplets sideways-behinds: you see the MEANNESS of the hygiene rules? Infecting people AROUND THE CORNER?

It is the OMISSION of valuable information, that is also a LIE in the hygiene rules. Murderous lie in real pandemics.

Easy remedy:

Sneezing insindes a pullover, tucking the neck collar over the nose and pressing to face line, rafting the waist to prevent the spray cloud rushing through, greatly reduces infectiousness; we do this sucessfully for 18 yrs ca. now, but even for nearly grown-up kids the dicipline needed to stem against the "public narrative" is not small, sometimes falling back to coughing inisdes the left hand or elbow, obviously this habit is just there to spread the germs more widely and unpredictably. I frown at them, they apologize, sorry, all others do it that way...)

Use a VIRTUAL MASK: diffusing Antiseptic Nasal Spray

"4 rounds in 1 minute, spray, breathing in, to nose, mouthh to throat ring, and 1 under tongue".

If feeling allergy etc. in eye, spray 1/2 puff into eye from 5cm distance, and if it is feeling a slight burning, this is ok, just swipe out excess fluid, then burning shall stop immediately, and allergy is banned for 1/2 hr. Sounds not much, but combined with regular antiallergic nasal sprays (also good for eyes, I spray in directly 1/4 puff into eyes not to loose any fluid), and some tablets, you can even bike though having some nasty pollen allergy. Also, CDS is alleviating allergic tendencies as inner cure, please observe a protocol not to overdose (all prototocs are staying ca. below or equal 1/3 of NOAL (No Observeable Events Level (of dosing), which is 3mg/kg body weight per day).

This "4 rounds in one minute" is emulating a gargling round; for spray, without the "spitting out", so more convenient "on the go".

(Gargling: normal protocols suggest: use any inorganic antiseptic in some effective, yet tolerable dosiing, and gargle for 40sec. in throat and 40sec. in mouthis ok for any respiratory pathogen, as 1/5ths starts in saliva glands, and 4/5ths of infections in throat RING.

Tolerable dosing for gargling: inorganic antiseptics hack on the bacterial film we have on our teeths, our normal biome. I like it when this comes back in say 1/4 hr., but you may want to have the "rough feeling" on the teeths gone in say 5min. - you can all have it, just play with dosing. For sprays, they are much softer in this regard, perhaps, a bit weaker in effect.

Still, stay mindful. Do not force anything, especially not on kids, as they have superb immunity on mucosa, if not vaccianted or depressed by the news that is. We used dead sea salt and sodium bicarbonate to gargle preventively (or spray or inhale on symtoms)).

Use one of

- NaHClO (50-800ppm) (Sodium Hypochlorite, very effective, inhalable: we use 800ppm 1.5ml per session of 70kg standard lungs, or for kids to granny: just 20 deep breath strokes with keeping air a bit, or some more in normal breathing, 1x/evening is enough for good (post-exposition) prevention),

- ClO2 (30-800ppm) (the best, 10x more effective than even Hypochlorite, but effusive as CO2 sparkling water, even through nasal sprays in 1-2 weeks; if DIY, perfect),

- PVP-I (0.1-3%) (Povidone Iodine, see FLCCC.net/protocols or Peter McCullough), please test tolerability (PVP is intolerable to ca. 10^-4 .. 10^-5, so one in every 10k people may not tolerate it, including all the tablets that have PVP in.)

- I2(100ppm) (stabilised Iodine),

- H2O2 (see Dr. Thomas Levy, "An at home treatment that can cure any virus", and much more;) replacing infusion therapy by inhalation. Very clever. I tried it up to 2%, but please if your H2O2 is tasting sour, buffer it first for the supply of some days, eg by sodium bicarbonate from supermarked or pharmacy etc.: trickle in 0.5% NaHCO3 solution into say 50ml of H2O2 and take a few drops to check if still tasting sour. It may fume a bit on tongue, brush this feeling aside and concentrate: sour or not? If just not tasting sour any more, you have the perfect pH. (ca. 6.5, but it is not that important. Just come up from pH 2.4 where the "stabilised" H2O2 normally sits, which too sour for our lungs even in small amounts.)

- NaHCO3 sodium bicarbonate is much weaker, but still a very useful inorganic antispetic, also internally useful, as immune system soothing (decreasing M1 macrophages, improving M2 number, so helping against chronic infections, and in trials added to chemotherapy, greatly improved outcomes, as cancer is some reaction to "life" energy depletion, and just the best the body can do, perhaps like a battery accumulating life energy; still: it is born only in acidiuos milieu). Upon making the extra battery useless, the cancer can and will go away.)

There may be many more useable substances that have this "diffusing" property, so important, as only diffusing molecules that can travel insides the dead cells comprising the upper parts of the mucosa can inactivate viral load there, before the cells naturally dissolve on the top layer of the mucosa, releasing mucilage in their natural function. If they release the 60k virions, they diffuse in 10min. against the mucilial wash of the ciliae (if not paralysed by smoking), and can travel up the nose and down to the lungs, in small steps, depending on how many antivirals are insides the mucus, like pre-trained innate antibodies and defensines.

And of course after simple inorganic antiseptic spraying nasal spray one could even advise to exchange droplets, as to better get trained against circulating colds. Best of course, if the "donator" and the "recipient" of the training both sprayed.

Often, exchange goes in both directions, without noticing it. These are the people that claim "I never get an infection", yes, but that does not mean they never train ;))

Huh, this got longer than I wisehd for.

Please inform me if you find a true nasal spray vaccine evoking immunity just like the real "cold" would do.

The longer I wait, the more I get the feeling, that just such a vaccine is absolutely forbidden, as it would bring down illness and mortality. How could anyone dare to even take away one single dime out of the industry, and dare to loose totalitarian control WHO may call what a medicine or a vaccine.

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Maybe WHO failed them because it wouldn't kill enough people and its too cheap. I’d take a nasal spray over an injection any day (not that I would take either). And no live virus like the nasal flu vax

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Maybe WHO failed them because it wouldn't kill enough people and its too cheap. I’d take a nasal spray over an injection any day (not that I would take either). And no live virus like the nasal flu vax

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