It is suggested strongly in all the resources I have read. I use it with d3 and have never felt better. Nor have I been ill but once in Aug 2021. Mild.
Compared with the work involved to run all these separate studies, you can see why they just ran the one concluding that the unvaccinated are to blame.
I believe Dr McCullough has a list of hundreds of studies which support several of these, used individually and in combination. Combination is more efficacious.
For example IVM alone or zinc alone are good but when used in combination along the lines below is super.
The key is early treatment within 3 days but still is beneficial if later or to detox from the C shots.
Check McCullough, Malone, FLCCC, Dr. Zelenko’s ZStack, and other reputable non-narrative doctors.
Their C shot detox recommendations use these and other meds/ supplements/ vitamins at different doses. The above docs have protocols for detox.
C and
D3 + Magnesium (Mg boosts D3) and
Zinc + IVM (or at least +Quercetin which boost zinc) and
One or more of the others depending on an individual’s situation.
This is a great list. We’re unvaccinated in our house, but take many of these simply for immune boosting.
Would you put Vit K-MK-7 on that list as well?
Done, thanks. Any others?
It is suggested strongly in all the resources I have read. I use it with d3 and have never felt better. Nor have I been ill but once in Aug 2021. Mild.
Doc, what about the use of Resveratrol to increase autophagy?
I’m not an MD - just a concerned pet owner.
Compared with the work involved to run all these separate studies, you can see why they just ran the one concluding that the unvaccinated are to blame.
I believe Dr McCullough has a list of hundreds of studies which support several of these, used individually and in combination. Combination is more efficacious.
For example IVM alone or zinc alone are good but when used in combination along the lines below is super.
The key is early treatment within 3 days but still is beneficial if later or to detox from the C shots.
Check McCullough, Malone, FLCCC, Dr. Zelenko’s ZStack, and other reputable non-narrative doctors.
Their C shot detox recommendations use these and other meds/ supplements/ vitamins at different doses. The above docs have protocols for detox.
C and
D3 + Magnesium (Mg boosts D3) and
Zinc + IVM (or at least +Quercetin which boost zinc) and
One or more of the others depending on an individual’s situation.
How do you feel about this? I received this information from the Great 'Erik The Healer'. Co-producer, M/C, Host, and Speaker at Biomedexpo & 5DEvents along with many other credentials. He can be followed as Eric the Healer on Facebook as well as other social media outlets. Also, here is a link to 'Haritaki'