Better consider not only storage, but how you will be able to use it/spend/exchange it when you need it. By that time, it will be illegal to have, use, etc., that won't bring the authorities down on you.
I've been investing and recommending Kirk since 2018. His easy going consultative approach and worldview helped me and my family understand the value of metals for wealth preservation.
And can you offer some investing advice to go with this?
For legal reasons, I won’t call it ‘investing advice’ but some musings on the topic of financial ‘what you can do’ will be put up in future posts.
Physical gold, silver, precious metals.. To protect these, guns & ammo.
Better consider not only storage, but how you will be able to use it/spend/exchange it when you need it. By that time, it will be illegal to have, use, etc., that won't bring the authorities down on you.
I've been investing and recommending Kirk since 2018. His easy going consultative approach and worldview helped me and my family understand the value of metals for wealth preservation.