Great. Except Elon Musk is a technocrat and transhumanist. He's a front man for military grade technology, just like Bill Gates didn't invent anything himself. They're just faces for the 'who is doing this'. Why? Because they have a very limited and disturbed view of what humanity is. They actually believe nature and humanity are flawed and they can create and improve life. Those who are still fully human understand they can only pollute, exploit and destroy life.

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> Who is doing this and why?

I will take a shot at answering.

Who? The Chinese.

Why? Because psychopaths in suits want nothing more than to reach the top rung of the ladder to power and wealth. In the proposed "occupation" scenario, the United States recently held the highest rung of that ladder but the world's largest and most powerful concentration of psychopaths in suits (the CCP) has just kicked us off.

We can take some small measure of pride, however, that the CCP could never have done it without the help of our own American psychopaths in suits (e.g. Biden, Bezos, Dorsey, Zuckerberg, O'Bama, the Clintons, McConnell, etc.)

And let's not forget our debt to the millions of "useful idiots" who worked so hard to enslave and impoverish themselves and their families.

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