I found your substack through his locals. I really enjoy learning from both of you. My pattern watching started as the ol lady of an outlaw motorcycle club member. (Don’t fall for the MSM hype, please. We aren’t what they say we are) anyway, I learned to watch patterns of the fed, the crowds, the club politics, the budget cycles, etc. FYI - you can learn a lot from watching budget cycles of fed agencies, to the point that you will know when there will be alphabet soup raids. There will always be raids right before budget hearings for the next cycle of funding, always against marginalized groups, like bikers, or like now J6ers.

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curiously religious. the garments across the mouth and nose. the genuflection to and is the jib. In the name of the new god "SCIENCE". anti-science? the enemy of unbelievers who must like the Spanish inquisition be punished, and banned. The steady march forward with the constant 'suddenly' 'coincidences', lurching like pins in a bowling alley, without any notice being given, while the unbelievers all but shake the slumbering/attacking/persecuting/righteous.

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