I don’t know how accurate this is, but I heard via a close friend (whom I consider a VERY reliable source) that OUR country has a plethora of rare earth minerals available, but this administration (regime) refuses to allow mining of them.

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I have heard the same thing. According to US geological services ( not done reading) we do have all rare earth minerals. The question is how long will it take for us to mine.

Also I think the mining processes is extremely bad ecologically speaking. I guess that is why CCP has 97% of the market. They don't give a crap about anything but dominance.✝️🇺🇸

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That’s what I’ve heard too -- that it’s awful for environmental life

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I am not an enviromental nut but I hear it is truly a disaster. I still remember going through Gary,IN when I was child and thinking how dirty and stinky it was. No comparison.✝️🇺🇸

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Same. Not a big tree hugger, but I definitely don’t want to actively destroy the ecosystem!

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CCP has totally obliterated mainland China eco enviro a la Industrial Revolution period but worse with modern chemical processes & technology.

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I also hear we have plenty of oil and gas if only this administration gave the go ahead to drill for it.

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Yes, we do. MUCH more than people realize. My son has a few companies in the O&G space. One of them tracks the data of drilling production in Texas. PS: Oil is organic. You don't hear that at all do you?

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Haha truth!

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I have friends in the mining industry and hear the same thing from them.

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There are also some high demand mineral deposits on some of the poorest Indian reservations in the nation. I'm not sure if they are rare earth minerals. Sadly, instead of exercising their ability to lift their people out of abject destitution, they choose fo fight each other about utilizing those resources. I can't help but wonder how much of the infighting is brought on by agent provocateurs who want to keep the minerals from production or want to keep the tribes in poverty. This was a situation I was aware of many years before covid came along. Covid FORCED me to open my eyes to the overwhelming amount of world and US government Bullshit. I knew some of the story, but nothing near what I know now. I am probably still a newby unaware idiot to much more. We are living in the Never Ending Story or corruption & evil, aren't we?

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I was wondering when that boomerang was coming.✝️🇺🇸

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