Why Elsagate is Really Fucking Bad for Children
Are you aware of the newly returned threat of Elsagate?
Elsagate is a neologism referring to the controversy surrounding videos on YouTube and YouTube Kids that are categorized as "child-friendly", but which contain themes that are very inappropriate for young children. Most videos under this classification are notable for presenting inappropriate content; those include graphic violence, sexual situations, fetishes, obscene language, drugs, alcohol, nudity, injections, disease, off-color humor, dangerous or upsetting situations and activities.[1
Obviously, the significance of this weird and very dangerous threat is understated by any ‘text’ based post such as the one you are about to read.
The sheer number of behavioral problems this is going to cause in the future is, while practically impossible to measure, staggering in size.
Many of these videos have millions, to hundreds of millions, of views.
Please check out this companion piece below.
Besides the obvious yet lengthy list of risks online like predators, pests, grooming, stalkers, and other issues posed by modern online connectivity, here's another supposedly 'squashed' issue that has returned.
This is an example of a still photo, found in a kids-oriented video on YouTube.
What the fuck is wrong with it? Why did it get glass through its hand?
Do you notice the bizarre, gaping facial expression here mentioned in detail in the TikTok post above?
To preface:
How many children have parents that let them run wild without parental controls on iPads and iPhones? On computers?
A lot.
How many of these kids are able to somehow bypass those controls and access 'everything'?
Probably most of the remainder, or they can do it at their friends' houses.
What exactly is Elsagate?
Elsagate refers to videos posted on YouTube (by groomers, often either in foreign sweatshops or paid by someone to make these) who try to brainwash children.
It's that simple.
These videos have adult themes - often with immense violence, drug use, or other content that attempts to - by repetition - indoctrinate children into a very particular breed of troublesome thought.
If this is the first time you are coming across Elsagate - I strongly advise you to go read more about it elsewhere and make sure, right now, that people you care about are not engaging in this madness.
The exposure of this type of content to children is very, very bad and is going to have long-term, unknown ramifications on the behavior and psyche of the children who are regularly viewing being brainwashed by this content.
If you dig into the thread above about TikTok - there is a clear case made out for what is being done to people who use TikTok.
This Elsagate thing is similar, but with a very particular bent towards the sick and depraved.
If you have trouble comprehending this - here it is broken down in question format?
Why is the baby Elsa drinking beer, with baby Spiderman having a frothing beer-foamed mouth next to her?
Because whoever made this wants to encourage children to drink alcohol.
Why is there a needle pointed at a now tortured baby Elsa?
This is pretty sick and should be self explanatory. Encouraging torture & drug abuse.
Two strippers pole dancing.
I mean, what the fuck is wrong with these people?
Again — this is content that YouTube crams down the algo for kids.
Probably because they all make more money from the ad revenue this way.
Pure evil. It’s not about as revenue anymore.
Hey, this is the “Reset” destroy America. Tik Tok shud be destroyed, outlawed, censored & utube broken apart!