Where to Find the Ivermectin Man: 101
You may want Ivermectin on hand in order to defeat the Azz Bleeding Virus. Instructions follow.
Don’t you wish Dr. Zelenko was still here?
I know he’s still with us.
Minimal, but sufficient, instructions are at the bottom of this post.
You need to get Ivermectin for yourself and others.
While Ivermectin works wonderfully to eliminate COVID.. You’ll really want Ivermectin on hand so that you can navigate what I call the “azz bleeder” virus which is slowly creeping in.

Don’t think for a second that the creepy, diabolical Bill Gates in his barely contained laughter is just joking when he says the next pandemic will get everyones attention. Maybe the Marburg virus will burnout, as it has in the past.
But maybe, some skanky Pfizer exec in a lab ..somewhere.. will lengthen the incubation period by a couple days, in a Supercharging experiment gone wrong and accidentally leak it. *Cough* They’ll say it was “Gain-of-Bleeding” experimentation.
Skanky Pfizer exec stealthily trying to deny it:
“We were just testing to see if we could vaccinate (using mRNA) against the deadly azz bleeding virus (using mRNA) — by testing against an amped up version of deadly azz bleeding virus.”
Brought to you by: PFIZER!
Evil always telegraphs intent.
And so, for now, there’s some time left. This time will run short eventually, and then it will run out. Can’t claim to know when that’s gonna happen, but it’s bound to happen.
When you get war, you get pandemic, and you get famine. Not necessarily in that order. Feel free to read older posts to learn more about that by searching for PanFaWar on the feed.
Do you know the Ivermectin man?
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Don’t forget to find elemental Zinc to go along with your new Ivermectin.
You can get that at any grocery store or pharmacy.
I did a deep dive into the difference between the paste sold at feed stores and the human pill. The difference is minuscule - basically glycerine and water to make it a paste. Took it once a week for most of 2021. Felt great! Slacked off in 2022 and got covid, went back on it, dosage according to Dr Z, and was over the C in 4 days. People do your homework. There are ways to stay healthy and fight off whatever the "evil parasite class" wants to throw at us. PS: If you have never taken anything to get rid of parasites....you are probably infested.
if you get sick right after you start taking Ivermectin, chances are good you had parasites to begin with. So give your body the time to clear out the toxins from the dead parasites, do it again in a week to finish killing them off.
Are used ivermectin a year ago when I got Covid. I still got very sick and I survived and I’m a senior my husband has ivermectin and luckily he has not had to use it since he never had Covid. However, I would like to have some on hand for the future and the primary care doctor I had at the time I was sick with covid told me to stop taking it ! She never told me what I should do or what I could do! All she said was , “if you have heart palpitations, go to the hospital! “What a waste of a doctor!