What The Fuck Is A 'Dybbuk'?
Evidence the elite are performing 'intergenerational grooming' on their own children to harness evil energies.
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After coming across and digesting this excerpt from the new and painstakingly well-sourced book titled One Nation Under Blackmail, which was written by premier Epstein researcher Whitney Webb, this shit needs a full article // dedicated book written about this topic on its own.
Understand. They aren’t even hiding any of this. It’s all visible.
Within it, Whitney dug up a telling interview given by Leslie Wexner in 1985 on the topic of a “dybbuk” — which means “inner demon.” Leslie Wexner — a billionaire — who is directly connected to prolific pedophile and human trafficker Jeffrey Epstein — believes himself to be possessed by an “inner demon.”
Leslie Wexner owned the parent company ‘The Limited’ which became ‘L Brands.' This parent company — a mega-conglomerate — OWNED Victoria's Secret, Lane Bryant, Lerner Stores, Henri Bendel, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Bath & Body Works
Why is there so much contention when the sister utterances “Satan [or demon] worshipping” and “pedophiles” are put together? Here is a Republican mega-donor who was deeply involved at a high level in Ohio politics for decades — self-admitting to literally being possessed by an inner demon. And he’s hanging around with a pedophile?
This is while Leslie Wexner is a profound Republican donor? At least, until 2018. This sort of belief transcends politics and enters the spiritual realm. It doesn’t matter what anyone believes about what the Leslie Wexner’s of the world are doing and why — it matters what they themselves believe. If Leslie Wexner, in his own words, says he believes he’s inhabited by a malevolent spirit — you’d better believe he believes it.
“On the morning Leslie Wexner became a billionaire, he woke up worried, but this was not unusual. He always wakes up worried because of his dybbuk, which pokes and prods and gives him the itchiness of the soul that he calls shpilkes [“pins” in Yiddish]. Sometimes he runs away from it on the roads of Columbus, or drives away from it in one of his Porsches, or flies from it in one of his planes, but then it is back, with his first coffee, his first meeting, nudging at him.”
— NY Magazine, 1985
From Whitney Webb’s excerpt:
As the article continues, it states that Wexner has been with the dybbuk since he was a boy and that his father had recognized it and referred to it as the “churning”. Per Wexner, the dybbuk causes him to feel “molten” and constantly pricked by “spiritual pins and needles”. It apparently left him at some point as a young man, only to return in 1977 when he was 40, half-frozen during an ill-fated trip up a mountain near his vacation home in Vail, Colorado. This specific trip is when Wexner says he both rejoined with his childhood dybbuk and decided to “change his life.”
He told New York magazine that his dybbuk makes him “wander from house to house”, “wanting more and more” and “swallowing companies larger than his own.” In other words, it compels him to accumulate more money and more power with no end in sight. Wexner later describes the dybbuk as an integral “part of his genius.”
Wexner further describes his dybbuk as keeping “him out of balance, emotionally stunted, a part of him — the precious, treasured boy-son part — lagging behind [the dybbuk].” This is consistent with other definitions of the term in Jewish media, including a feature piece published in the Jewish Chronicle. That article first defines the term as “a demon [that] clings to [a person’s] soul” and then states that: “The Hebrew verb from which the word dybbuk is derived is also used to describe the cleaving of a pious soul to God. The two states are mirror images of each other.” Per Wexner’s word choice and his characterization of what he perceives as an entity dwelling within him, the entity — the dybbuk — is dominant while his actual self and soul “lags behind” and is stunted, causing him to identify more with the entity than with himself.
This is also reflected in the concluding paragraph of the New York magazine article:
“Les Wexner picks up his heavy black case and flies off in his Challenger, with his dybbuk sitting next to him, taunting and poking him with impatience, that little demon he really loves. The dybbuk turns his face. What does he look like? ‘Me,’ says Leslie Wexner.”
It has me asking the following questions:
What in the fuck is a dybbuk?
Why did Leslie Wexner’s father tell him he had a dybbuk when he was just a young boy?
A dybbuk is a possessing, malevolent spirit. Only a tremendously sick person would brainwash their own child — as Leslie Wexner’s father had done to him — into believing they were inhabited by a malevolent spirit.
Why did Leslie Wexner’s father tell him, as a young boy, he had an evil, possessing spirit attached to his soul?
What purpose could this possibly serve?
Did Leslie Wexner’s father believe the harnessing of this evil possessing spirit could award him wealth?
Did he instill this belief into his son?
What kind of creep uses this kind of framing against their own children?
Groomers. That’s who. An army of (self-proclaimed) spiritually possessed intergenerational groomers. Someone had to be teaching this type of behavior to Leslie Wexner’s father. But who?
Whitney Webb is as sharp as investigative researchers and journalists come and dug this one up straight out of the depths of hell. It was correctly identified in her article that the specific and deliberate use of the word ‘dybbuk’ is at issue here. Mr. Wexner could have very easily chosen to describe the spiritual ‘possession’ using other words with more positive connotations. But he didn’t.
It matters what they believe.
This belief was intergenerational — meaning passed down through from father to son.
Who passed this belief on to Leslie Wexner’s father?
When I was much younger, my mother read a book to me that blew my mind open to recognize this stuff for what it really is. I recently re-read that book and found it to be just as profound and prescient. It is called "Charmed By Darkness" by Roger Morneau. I highly recommend reading it. Leslie Wexner, his Dybbuk and his fabulous empire will suddenly make great sense to you.
Elite commissar grooming is an epidemic at every rotten institution: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-groom-commissars-part-2