WEF: Pfizer CEO (Albert Bourla) Babbles About Politics
Albert Bourla: Is he a living, breathing human being? Or something else? Does he have a 'human' soul?
Albert Bourla is an example of an individual who has no self-awareness. The sheer number of people maimed or injured by products developed by his company is hard to fathom. On the whole — this is what the face of a war criminal looks like:
Perhaps Mr. Bourla is simply compromised (read about M.I.C.E. below) — finding himself coerced into shilling for the gene serum injections. By who, or what? He’ll have to explain that himself elsewhere.
In either case, he’s a truly pitiful empty husk of a human being.
His incessant droning on and on has fallen flat. Particularly around his & his company’s for-profit politicization around topics such as:
Lack of gene serum efficacy
Total failure to monitor gene serum injection safety signals
Ineffectual mask mandates and devastating lockdown policies
Pfizer lied and said their gene serum product was safe and effective. It’s far from the first time Pfizer has lied about its own products — having been arm-twisted into paying a $2.3 billion dollar settlement for fraud in the past. Why would anyone assume they wouldn’t do it again?
Shutting off conversation around the concept that masks do not prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is similar to shutting off conversation around the concept that the genetic serums do not prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
Lobbying private companies to silence others, or partnering with government agencies to pitch gene serums that don’t work ‘for free’ won’t work against the truth either.
It doesn’t matter how long it takes for these ideas to penetrate their mental targets, nor how much censorship is applied.
They cannot be stopped — not by Pfizer, not by the CDC or FDA, and certainly not by Albert Bourla — himself an empty vessel — babbling on about these ideas at the WEF.
Perhaps someone should take a good, long dive into what Pfizer is up to — much as has been done with Moderna here:
Pfizer's chief executive says the biggest challenge the company and other vaccine-makers faced during the pandemic was negotiating the politics.
Albert Bourla, who was speaking on Thursday on a panel on pandemic preparedness at the World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, Switzerland, said mask-wearing, vaccine efficacy or questions about delivering the vaccines were all politicised and were constant obstacles for vaccine-makers.
He says “the biggest challenge... was the political challenge”.
He added that protectionism as a result of fear meant the governments closed down borders, making it difficult to export vaccines or bring in raw materials needed to make them.
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair made the distinction between the “forgivable” politics of government leaders trying to vaccinate their own population when an election was beckoning and the “unforgivable” politics of politicising public health.
He says turning mask-wearing into a political issue was “unforgivable and stupid”.
Mr. Blair added that for most countries, the virus had receded into the “rear-view mirror” and the only way to keep the focus on it was to convince politicians that “there are votes in it”.
It's as if a switch was turned in 2020, and the division between sheep and goats, conscience and sociopaths, good and evil, was flipped on, and we didn't know it.
A healthy society can tolerate a few sociopathic evildoers in positions of power, but not many... Now, we are overrun with them, and they rise to "the top", not DESPITE their evil, but BRCAUSE of it.