Vaccine Disaster: mRNA Death Spiral Begins
Death spiral, doom loop, ADE, 'immune system dysregulation' etc.
In the navbar — there are two new areas to peruse:
Have a read through the Health Control section.
Do the math on these items yourself. Take the time to read them at length.
Japan — almost 7700 ‘COVID deaths’ in December.

Why is Japan having a ‘record month’ for ‘COVID deaths’?
Could it be that the gene serum injections they have imported don’t work? Are they making things worse? Can the methodology by which they don’t work be exposed?
Quite plausibly — this helps to explain it:
Further detail on IgG4:
Could any scientific researcher friends confirm that this study says what I think it says?
Because it seems like after Mass Drug Administration (when they wisely feed Ivermectin to every human in particular regions Africa — including pregnant women) — there’s a marked change in IgG4.
Which, if you read above, might actually fix the issue + are doing a fantastic job of detailing:
Onchocerca volvulus-specific antibody and cellular responses in onchocerciasis patients treated annually with ivermectin for 30 years and exposed to parasite transmission in central Togo
Whether it’s called ADE, immune system dysregulation, cancers, autoimmune disorders, neurological disorders, or what have you — ultimately the name by which ‘COVID-19 genetic serum injury’ goes — or the form the injury takes — is irrelevant.
If, or when rather, Mr. Berenson comes to the (correct) conclusion that Ivermectin works — it will mark a very powerful turning of the tide.
He has a massive platform on Substack. Much of his readership is well aware that Ivermectin works.
Someone needs to gently let him know that this is no time to be horsing around anymore.
Just keep repeating:
Ivermectin works.
Ivermectin works.
Ivermectin works.
Ivermectin probably works against vaccine injuries too:
My spouse insisted on getting vaxxed in late 2021 so he could travel for work into the U.S. I dosed him with horse paste before each shot. We’ll see whether that prevents sudden death and other vaxx injuries. He doesn’t believe he has suffered any ill effects from the vax.
Wait? You want us to wait and hope for the best? (Fraid so.) Great, that's just great! Here's a better idea. (Oh?) Ya, how about if we just...
Alas the tape cuts out at that point. This bit of humor does wonders for getting a handle on this potentially (likely) bad scene going far badder than anyone wants to admit. So let's just wait, shall we?