Vaccine Disaster: Moving the Overton Window
How the Overton Window shifting is not necessarily a good thing.

Take the following statements:
The vaccine is safe and effective.
The benefits outweigh the risks.
The vaccine is safe, but it’s losing efficacy over time.
The vaccine is safe, but you’ll need boosters to keep efficacy high over time.
The vaccine was never tested for transmissibility.
And now this, from the BBC:
”… serious COVID vaccine side effects are rare”
Each of these ideas can be seen as a point-in-time snapshot of belief or understanding. At one point, many believed the injections were “safe” and “effective.” Not long after, they learned they were not as “effective” as they had initially been led to believe. We are almost at the point where the general “safety” of the injections will be questioned — and that is when problems will really begin.

Mind you — the two very closely related (both are school principals that died unusually at school) examples above have occurred in just the last 24 hours. There are many more just like these.
“Safe” and “effective” has now become “serious” and “rare.”
But how often does something have to happen before it moves from “rare” to “common” to “ubiquitous.”
Over time, when an “unthinkable” idea, such as the conception that there may be fairly common — albeit delayed — serious side effects presented after COVID-19 injections becomes more and more widely accepted, this is known as a shift in the “Overton Window.”
At first, it was simply unthinkable that there may be side effects present in the injections. Now, even the BBC above admits that they are “rare” and “serious” — but this subtle shift is not a good thing, and there are many reasons for this. Now it has moved into the “radical” category for some, and “acceptable” category for others — but it’s no longer unthinkable. As the shift occurs, more crises will unfold.
First — too many people have taken the injections. Certainly, untold numbers of employees within critical industries like hospitals, police, transportation, and all along the supply chain have taken it — and as a secondary consequence have unknowingly set themselves up in a trap. For my DR. friends reading this — please focus on methodologies that can reverse or mitigate the damage being done, and if not, methods that can alleviate the suffering.
Accepting the unthinkable is a troublesome concept.
They are not evolving belief systems. They are evolving sales pitches that attempt to fit within their then exposure. At no point did they believe they were safe to the injected or effective at preventing covid The shots were effective for the designed purpose. That's the next level to own and understand and make peace with.
I am not sure that I understand the point; probably above my pay grade - and that is no joke. The one thing I do understand is that there is no reason for the Overton Window to shift if nothing changes. What I mean by that is that, until I read this, I had no idea that this near-disaster had happened. As little as a decade ago, an airline incident of this sort would have been on everyone's feed for days. Yet I had heard nothing. Nor did the closest two friends I have - one of whom watches television news of all channels nearly every waking hour. If the general public does not know that a first-class news event even happened, how does that event cause the Overton Window to shift?