Proud to call Chief Nerd a friend and colleague. Make sure you’re following him on Twitter.
Call out the kool-aid drinkers wherever you see them.
It is not safe, nor effective.
It is untested, deadly, and has veritably negative efficacy.
It causes Turbo-Cancers, myocarditis, autoimmune disorders, MS, and destroys the bodies innate ability to fight off whatever it subsequently becomes infected by.
The picture above is not your average party kool-aid punch bowl.
The picture above is spiked death-cult kool-aid — served in a friendly manner at your local Walgreens by cultists.
Fret not ruling elite, or whomever else may have imbibed in death-juice being served out of the punch bowl.
It’s not too late. You can save yourself.
Ivermectin works.
Ivermectin works.
Ivermectin works.
I recently heard from a well informed source that — amongst the PsyOp people at work in Afghanistan, the running gag was “whoever says something 3 times first wins.” There is power in repetition.
It’s quite plausible at this stage that many of the ruling elite themselves (along with their families) were duped and, like the common folk, have [been] marched on down to their local Walgreens & CVS for updated doses of Mystery Genetic Serum Injections.
This dramatically levels the playing field.
It wasn’t all saline — there is simply no feasible way that it was controlled to that degree. The ‘ruling elite’ are simply not (or were not, some may have figured it out on their own by now) attuned to the greater purpose of the vaccines — a transformational play at the usually famine-driven or manmade disaster culls of old.
Yes, it’s certainly possible that:
Some shots may have been ‘inactivated.’
Some shots or lots were specifically designed to be more damaging then others.
Some shots were saline, as provided by a friendly nurse.
If we simply assume that this is a supply chain like any other — all the death-cult kool-aid in the punch bowl was spiked.
You’ll soon start to see more of the elite getting Turbo-Cancer shortly — just like the vax-mandate pushing tennis star and the (formerly? possibly) jab-juicing doctor.
A lifelong promoter of vaccines suspects he might be the rare, unfortunate exception.
Nobody escapes.
Playing field leveled.
Sorry to say but there is a significant number of health care workers 🐍that have a covert internal network to ensure compliance with 💉 dictates to enable working without actually having the 💉. None have the guts to warn the public. The $mart elites were covered as required.
Looks like the episode just got pulled... I had it, now I can’t access it anywhere... they are so weak.