There’s only one rule:
Never. Get. On. The. Train.
Never step foot on the train.
It’s that simple.
If you do not want to be gassed, glassed, or gouged in a medical experiment — never step foot on the train.
Totalitarians — Communists and Fascists — always use the same techniques to shuffle Undesirables around.
If they start doing that, don’t entertain the idea that they’re sending you somewhere for your own benefit. They’re not — and they never do.
What they are actually attempting to do, in the case of ‘trains’ — is ‘Concentrate’ people in ‘Camps.’ It’s shocking how many cultures this sickness pervades. It’s when you’re “thinking incorrectly” or “existing incorrectly” — and East or West — it’s all the same. They put Undesirables on trains and ship them off to Parts Unknown. Sometimes there are showers, and sometimes there are tables where organs are taken, lately it would seem involuntarily. But it’s always the same story.
So don’t let it happen to you.
What’s the first rule of Fight Club?
The second rule is keep your powder dry.✝️🇺🇸
It's akin to the activation of the red and blue lists that were discussed in the late 1990's. Although, at the time, I thought those red and blue lists were going to be used in conjunction of the un's (they don't deserve capitalization) re-wilding project. I believe that project was thought up after agenda 21 and before agenda 30. Either way and regardless of previous context - the theme stays the same. Always trust your gut. If something seems a little off - GET AWAY. It reminds me of a famous Ronald Reagan quote: "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’” Thank you, Mr. President. Those are words to live by.