The Federal Reserve Must Belong to the People
Why we must take the power to create money away from the Federal Reserve system.
Next year around this time — but 100 years in the past, events were unfolding in Weimar Germany that would see inflation on a monthly basis, at peak, reach over 23,000%. The grim reality for the German people living through this tumultuous era was one of the most significant economic disasters in modern history. Are we doomed to repeat their mistakes?
The Federal Reserve System — which effectively acts as a criminal syndicate, alongside its partners the Big Banking Cartel, together possess a monopoly on ‘money creation’ and ‘money valuation’ in the United States. in order to ensure the prosperity of the American people, this Cartel MUST be dismantled into its constituent parts and scattered to the wind. Given the sheer volume of dollars printed since the beginning of the Great Recession, or COVID, or the closing of the gold window — it doesn’t particularly matter which period in history you choose — the result is the same. The currency in the United States is deliberately and strategically being made worthless. The only thing that matters now is how quickly that happens.
One can only conclude that the very same currency that the American people use on a daily basis to conduct commerce, pay for goods and services, and buy groceries with is being purposefully and deliberately ‘debased.’
lowered in quality, character, or value: Part of the reason for the rise in commodities and oil is the debased dollar. Even in the debased conditions of wartime, people had dreams of a beautiful future.
lowered in rank, dignity, or significance: In the 1800s, many people considered show business to be a debased profession.
the simple past tense and past participle of debase.
Every year, since the beginning of the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913, the value of the national currency has been systematically lowered. Sometimes this process has been managed to occur slowly, and in fact, that is the ‘stated goal’ of the Federal Reserve by ‘managing inflation’ at approximately 2% annually, but recently, this process (of making your life savings worthless) has accelerated more and more dramatically.
The Federal Reserve employs an enormous number of ‘economists’ in order to develop statistics (that it controls) that it then disseminates, and further, Wall Street and retail investors alike see them as ‘expert
Are we really expected to believe that inflation is at around 8%?
No. The number is much higher, and they are lying to you.
Why are they lying to you?
Because they understand that if YOU understood that your currency was being DETONATED you would not be happy about it — and so, this can be seen as a strategy of placation by omission.
In other words — the economists (read: scammers) who determine that inflation is at 8% are the same people who are tasked with making your dollar worth 98 cents every year, but they fucked up, and now your dollar is only going to be worth 85 cents next year.
Think about this. The Federal Government actually employees a staggering number of people (more than 20,000) who’s sole raison d’être is to ENSURE that your $1 bill is worth 98 cents next year.
Now realize that they are also tasked with telling you how much your $1 bill is worth year over year.
Is there a conflict of interest there? Is there any reason why the Federal Reserve might want to hide the real number of cents they have reduced your dollar into?
The answer is yes.
There must exist a hyper-focused, Nationalist Populist resistance at an overwhelmingly massive scale which dismantles the destructive relationships formed by the Federal Reserve System and their Member Banks.