Sleepwalking into Total War
How many countries have sophisticated intelligence services? It depends on how you define 'sophisticated.'
These fools (intentionally part of the fun, it’s impossible to figure out who’s responsible for anything) are sleepwalking the rest of us into real, kinetic, total & unrestricted warfare. How many countries on this stupid planet have ‘sophisticated’ intelligence agencies — with clandestine sleeper cells spread out around the stupid planet? More than 50? More than 100? Are there more than 100 countries on earth with sophisticated intelligence apparatuses?
If you thought that 2023 was going to get any better — take a hard look at this. Layers of deception and deceit — a mountain of lies. These fucking lunatics are out of control and always pushing us closer to the edge.

Really makes you wonder what kinds of KGB (or older) intelligence plots have sleeper cells on US soil — just waiting for a signal. For example — could old KGB hands utilize former intelligence assets of Eastern Germany on US soil to….sabotage a power substation? How about the children of those assets? Would they even know what they were involving themselves with? What if they attacked 50 substations — simultaneously? With modern technology, you wouldn’t need all that many people to carry out a devastating and irrecoverable attack on the entire US power grid. Taking out cities or states seems easy when you consider the depth of penetration already achieved in the overt sense — and depending on the number of metaphorical boots on the ground — a string of covertly run intelligence operations like this would be utterly devastating.
Why is no one pointing out the absurdity of any of this?
Answer is another question: Who, of our intelligence agencies, military apparatuses, and so on aren’t simply stooges for Raytheon, Boeing, and other defense contractors? Just think about all the SpaceMoney that’s going to be needed (to be printed) as the weaponization of space kicks into high gear. The defense contractors are going to need hundreds of billions of dollars to weaponize space to protect you.
The real answer? None of them. They are all stooges. And so, stooges will do as stooges do. Plot more, longer, and deeper conflicts on every corner of the earth.
Maybe the CIA is using German intelligence agents inside Russia. Or Polish. Or maybe it’s not the CIA at all, and that article is yet another influence operation in and of itself?
There’s no verifiable way to discern it one way or the other.
Just be aware it’s going on.
Otherwise, the beatings will continue until morale improves.
Does anyone in the covert ops world have any common sense? Mentally they are all a bunch of grade school pranksters with very real grown up toys & tools & no discernment.