Santa Clara, China — Totalitarian Surveillance System rears its head + Marburg
Yes, you read the location correctly. Santa Clara, China is next door to Beijing.
While Berenson may not quite get all the way there — particularly as it relates to just how well Ivermectin works against COVID (and quite likely Gene Serum Injection injuries) — it’s still worth following people you disagree with.
The specific reason why this is materially important?
Marburg. Or whatever azz bleeding virus comes in the next months + years.

Just because Mr. Berenson is wrong in one area (wrong on COVID-Rebounding Paxlovid too..but anyway) doesn’t mean he’s wrong 100% of the time — just on a few matters of particular importance and relevance.
In fact, nobody is right 100% of the time. He just shared an interesting post — with a headline playing into the outrage clickbait-y mindset all too common these days. So I made a clickbait-y headline too.
This is the piece he links to:
When a Renegade Church and a Zealous County Health Department Collide
Santa Clara County, California, imposed some of the harshest Covid restrictions in America. A church and its members defied them — and became the targets of an unprecedented surveillance operation
True to McClure’s word, at the end of May Calvary began holding indoor gatherings, often with hundreds of worshipers, a large portion of whom were without masks, in breach of distancing rules, and singing. This set off a collision between the openly defiant church and the county that culminated in two lawsuits. One, in federal court, in June 2020, by the church against the county, claiming the restrictions violated a list of constitutional rights, and the other, in state court, in October 2020, by the county against the church, for “flagrantly and repeatedly” violating public health orders and nonpayment of fines.
Both cases are still in litigation, but extensive legal documents, totaling more than a thousand pages, reveal a county, and its health department, that went to extraordinary, and potentially unlawful, lengths to enforce its decrees. These efforts include levying more than $2 million in fines against Calvary, and a multi-faceted surveillance program of the church and its members, breathtaking in scope and reminiscent of totalitarian regimes, rather than an American county health department — the spy operation included stakeouts, forced in-person monitoring of prayer groups and other intimate activities, and tracking the cellular mobility data of churchgoers.
The county’s public health orders, which were applied incongruently to different entities, and its enforcement mechanisms raise important legal and ethical issues about government infringements on citizens’ rights related to privacy, assembly, and religion that run well beyond the context of the pandemic and have potential implications for Americans regardless of their religious or political affiliation.
We haven’t even gotten to the ‘forced relocations’ part yet.
The good (or bad..) part about this?
You’ve got advanced warning on what the strategy and operating parameters of all this are.
Applied incongruently to different entities.
Sounds about right.
Stay the course. Thanks.
All of it was egregious. I think the most appalling was that people would sell out their neighbor for 219.00 an hour. Is our integrity, our soul worth so little? And then they came for me......✝️🇺🇸