Part 1 available here:
Continuing thematically with the idea that cell phones and televisions have been turned into modern (Command & Control) torture devices — the enslaved users of these technologies and others have largely been turned into modern prisoners-of-war — subjected to the same types of treatment you would see in a Communist brainwashing interrogation chamber or the basement of a European prison during the Dark Ages.
Many of the examples in The Rape of the Mind are, more specifically, about prisoners-of-war undergoing various forms of brainwashing in order to be utilized as propaganda tools for the regime they are captured by. Is the example of Communist torture — the sleep deprivation and ripping off of fingernails in order to extract a confession — much different from modern politicians freakishly invoking the will of God — in powerful (to the intended audience) attempts to evangelize (brainwash) a flock?
These are the same techniques — simply applied to the masses at scale. In the video below, Governor Hochul tries to claim the following:
She alone knows the will of God.
You must evangelize that will for her.
It is all out of love.
However misguided it may appear, make no mistake, these are powerful techniques used by the ThoughtWardens in the open air Communist gulag. The ominous “You know who they are” should be far more chilling in light of this.

“But you know there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God, and what God wants. You know this. You know who they are. I need you to be my apostles. I need you to go out, and talk about it. And say, we owe this to each other, we love each other. Jesus taught us to love one another.”
Menticide in Korea
He is subjected to slow but constant pressures devised to break him down mentally. Humiliation, rough, inhuman treatment, degradation, intimidation, hunger, exposure to extreme cold all have been used to crumble his will and to soften him. They need to wangle military secrets out of him and to use him as a tool in their propaganda machine. He feels completely alone. He is surrounded by filth and vermin. For hours on end he has to stand up and answer the questions his interrogators hurl at him. He develops arthritic backache and diarrhoea. He is not allowed to wash or shave. He doesn't know what will happen to him next. This treatment goes on for weeks.
Then the hours of systematic and repetitious interrogation and oppression increase. He no longer dares to trust his own memory. There are new teams of investigators every day, and each new team points out his increasing errors and mistakes. He cannot sleep any more. Daily his interrogators tell him they have plenty of time, and he realizes that in this respect at least they are telling the truth. He beings to doubt whether he can resist their seductive propositions. If he will just unburden himself of his guilt, they tell him, he will be better treated.
A man will often try to hold out beyond the limits of his endurance because he continues to believe that his tormentors have some basic morality, that they will finally realize the enormity of their crimes and will leave him alone. This is a delusion. The only way to strengthen one's defences against an organized attack on the mind and will is to understand better what the enemy is trying to do and to outwit him. Of course, one can vow to hold out until death, but even the relief of death is in the hands of the inquisitor. People can be brought to the threshold of death and then be stimulated into life again so that the torments can be renewed. Attempts at suicide are foreseen and can be forestalled.
In my opinion hardly anyone can resist such treatment. It all depends on the ego strength of the person and the exhaustive technique of the inquisitor. Each man has his own limit of endurance, but that this limit can nearly always be reached and even surpassed is supported by clinical evidence. Nobody can predict for himself how he will handle a situation when he is called to the test. The official United States report on brainwashing (See the "New York Times", August 18, 1955) admits that "virtually all American P.O.W.s collaborated at one time or another in one degree or another, lost their identity as Americans...thousands lost their will to live," and so forth. The British report (See the "New York Times", February 27, 1955) gives a statistical survey about the abuse of the P.O.W.s. According to this report one third of the soldiers absorbed enough indoctrination to be classified as Communist sympathizers.
Who can escape such tormenters if they lack basic morality and decency? These are things that have been stripped away over a long period of time. The modern advances and spin have accelerated the loss of these basic principles — transitioning them into something unrecognizable. In this way, the captive audience (the enslaved, the NPC army, and its legions) have been long primed for their new roles as ‘enforcers’ and have become captors. The prison guards of their own mental plantations.
The ‘limits’ for an uninitiated individual are quite low. Simply the repetition of phrases spewed from propagandists has proven to be too much for the average mind to handle — and it breaks under the pressure. But this approach is multi-layered and multi-faceted — in prolonged attempts to demoralize wider segments of society into submission. We see this pattern repeated across different domains. Anti-police sentiment, for example, having reached a fever pitch with ritualistic sing-along songs such as “every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground.” Are the police the true enemy of those chanting? No. The chanting armies are indeed held captive — but are completely unaware of precisely who to blame for their circumstances. In a highly orchestrated fashion, they are provided an outlet, and they are largely quick to take the bait.
This brutal totalitarian technique has at least one virtue, however. It is obvious and unmistakable, and we are learning to be on our guard against it, but as we shall see later, there are other subtler forms of mental intervention. They can be just as dangerous as the direct assault, precisely because they are more subtle and hence more difficult to detect. Often we are not aware of their action at all. They influence the mind so slowly and indirectly that we may not even realize what they have done to us.
Like totalitarian menticide, some of these less obvious forms of mental manipulation are political in purpose. Others are not. Even if they differ in intent, they can have the same consequences.
These subtle menticidal forces operate both within the mind and outside it. They have been strengthened in their effect by the growth in complexity of our civilization. The modern means of mass communication bring the entire world daily into each man's home; the techniques of propaganda and salesmanship have been refined and systematized; there is scarcely any hiding place from the constant visual and verbal assault on the mind. The pressures of daily life impel more and more people to seek an easy escape from responsibility and maturity. Indeed, it is difficult to withstand these pressures; to many the offer of a political panacea is very tempting, to others the offer of escape through alcohol, drugs, or other artificial pleasures is irresistible.
Free men in a free society must learn not only to recognize this stealthy attack on mental integrity and fight it, but must learn also what there is in side man's mind that makes him vulnerable to this attack, what it is that makes him, in many cases, actually long for a way out of the responsibilities that republican democracy and maturity place on him.
“Subtle menticidal forces.”
What are the subtle menticidal forces driving people to make risky medical decisions — and then attempt to politically, economically, and socially bully and coerce those who have attempted to ‘opt-out’ of such risky decisions into total submission?
It’s a prolonged, orchestrated, and systematic “stealthy attack” on the fortitude of the mind.
It buckles many of those not well enough equipped to deal with this type of pressure on the mind.
"It’s a prolonged, orchestrated, and systematic 'stealthy attack' on the fortitude of the mind."
It would seem that all is lost if we cannot stop the attacks, i.e. the MSM/Big Tech/Big Government indoctrination and censorship. If the boot cannot be removed from the necks of the sheeple, how will they ever realize that there is a boot on their necks? I don't trust Elon Musk, but if what he is doing at Twitter continues, is it possible that the systemic attacks can be disrupted enough to wake people up?
What I have found helpful when I hear "safe and effective" and "get the shot", I replace them with "grave and defective" and "shun the clot". "Safe and Effective. A Second Opinion" is an excellent red-pill much the same as "Died Suddenly" but more clinical information and titled so as to not scare the sheep. - - - MarkCrispinMiller.substack is a great source for people who Died Suddenly in the past or current months - makes the numbers real and scary - awakening. - - - Rumble's "The Story of Ivermectin" is good for those worried about horse paste. - - - Beware: vaccidents are happening, check the sky and drivers on the streets. - - - WE ARE WINNING - - - Several people I know who have taken the quacksination will not take another and - - - their eyes are opening and - - - we can finally have conversations like we used to have before becoming divided. - - - I only wish all those who survived the shot were also as lucky avoiding the side effects. - - - Dr. Steve Kirsh is doing great, routing out other doctors and encouraging them to find solutions.