Osama bin Laden & Paul Krugman Knew Long Ago America's Election Systems were Compromised
What do Paul Krugman (of the NYT) & Osama bin Laden have in common about American election integrity?
If you haven’t yet spent time perusing the books allegedly found during the Osama bin Laden raid that were declassified just a few years ago, have a look at these gems.
These are all listed on the DNI (Director of National Intelligence) website. Some of these finds have made it to the site here before.
Red lines indicate those perhaps worth a read.
Here’s one in particular worth noting.
Back in the days of Diebold (the same company that built many ATMs) — there were lots of murmurs of cheating in elections. The stolen election in Florida — carried by Jeb Bush for his brother George Bush against Gore should have solidified for everyone regardless of party line that US elections are rigged.
Unfortunately, like everything else, the opinions crafted by PR and propagandists on Corporate Disinformation Outlets are believed to be facts, which are ultimately regurgitated by lemmings who believe these (incorrect) opinions.
As an example of one such lemming — review the never correct economist Paul Krugman’s simply mind blowing comments on election integrity below.
“Bev Harris ... found Diebold software – which the company refuses to make available for public inspection, on the grounds that it's proprietary – on an unprotected server, where anyone could download it...This in itself was an incredible breach of security...Why isn’t this front page news?”
— Paul Krugman, New York Times
Above — Paul Krugman commenting on (the lack of election integrity) in the USA.
Below — Paul Krugman droning on…about how sure he is that the elections are secure.

Below, a comment by an author whose book is also found on Osama’s bookshelf.
“Worried about computerized democracy? You should be. You may have already voted in 2004 — they just haven't yet told you whom you voted for. Bev Harris gives you the real skinny on the Gatesification of our ballot box.”
— Greg Palast Author, “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy”
With subtitles like “A compendium of errors” and “A brief history of vote-rigging” — it’s easy to see where this is going. Though most of the examples focus on Republicans stealing elections from Democrats — both parties are guilty here. The system is simply rigged for whoever holds the One Ring at the time the polls close…and into the evening, and days following.
Regardless of what party is doing the current rigging — it’s important that these issues aren’t tabled and wind up with a satisfactory conclusion, like paper ballots and some people with integrity doing the counting. Unlikely at this point, but that should happen.
Of note: take a look at these chapter titles:
Chapter 9: First public look ever into a secret voting system .. 85
The Diebold FTP site, and what was on it
Chapter 10: Who’s minding the store.? .. 113
Chapter 11: “rob-georgia.zip” – noun or verb? .. 123
So, it’s been long known, apparently by both people like Paul Krugman and Osama bin Laden, that elections in the United States are rigged & stolen...
Will anything be done to rectify trust in this area?

It’s quite possible.
Paul Krugman and the "expert" class have done more damage to America than Osama and ISIS. Rigged elections are why a dozen American Democrat-run cities are ranked in the Top 50 most dangerous globally: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-visit-karenland-fupaz-part-e69
I very interesting observation that as far back as before the Bush era people knew and wrote about voter integrity. It’s incredibly easy to stop the election tampering, I see it this method working in a small South American country, Chile. The military runs the election sites and here are the requirements to vote.
“Voter ID
In-person voting
Paper ballots
It’s the only way we stop the steal.”
One other thing they do is have the vote on a Sunday and it’s declared a national holiday with only essential services open and all these employees guaranteed the right to take off to go vote.
Why is this so fucking hard to implement in the states? Is it because it’s not an election but a selection? Everyone that is selected swears by his life not to implement this simple process? Overseas military and embassy officials should be the only ones allowed mail in ballots.