These types of stories generally follow one of two patterns:
If the perpetrator(s) fits one description, then the event is milked for all it is worth, ad nauseam.
If the perpetrator(s) fits another description, then the event disappears forever.
In other words — the utilization of the story itself as a narrative driver will tell you all you need to know. This is the same regardless of what news outlet covers this type of story. It is irrespective of gender, ideology, or any personal detail — it is simply about agitation and the proliferation of fear.
Time will tell.

Thematically similar — at least in terms of the general disruption to daily life — of another now memory-holed PsyOp worth reviewing:

'Intentional Vandalism' Causes Mass Power Outage in NC County Bordering Ft. Bragg, US Army Special Forces Command
This RedState headline focuses on the proximity to Fort Bragg (fear mongering) and the article includes liberal hate mongering ~ a twofer:
"Liberal writer Charlotte Clymer blamed conservatives, though, claiming that the power outage occurred after three substations were 'shot up with firearms simultaneously to cut power to a drag show'..."
Since when do they lock down a community of 40, 000 homes because the power is out. It that to get people used to being locked down?
Also did you see the gate? It was a rusted cow pasture gate. Really, FF.✝️🇺🇸