Andy Ngo describes his experiences coming face to face with the faceless footsoldiers of the Beast, known as ANTIFA. It is an autonomous, decentralized, ‘leaderless’, and violent organization bent on ‘direct action’ which means ‘showing up’ and ‘taking action’ — and spreading its depraved ideology far and wide. The reaction to the tactics of ANTIFA against Mr. Ngo by authorities, or lack thereof, is telling. Long story short, no relevant “authority” cares — because he’s the wrong type of victim. A victim that covers primarily for conservative media outlets.
Masako Ganaha interviews Mr. Ngo in London — with Michael Yon occasionally serving as camera man.
Mr. Ngo details the rampant violence now ubiquitous in mainstream leftist ideologies. One of his key points is that in both the Democrat party and in journalism, there is a concerted effort to subvert the ideological underpinnings of mainstream viewership. This cloaks the rising levels of violence and intimidation being seen across the board— particularly if the viewing audience democrat, liberal, or related tangentially. In other words — the average MSNBC viewer is being fed (relatively) newly mainstreamed ideologically subversive content that both drives them to a tolerance to violence, and even perhaps a longing for it — feeling that the ‘victims’ of such violence were somehow deserving of it simply based on competing views.
Mr. Ngo also details the phenomenon of the Autonomous Zone in Portland, Oregon — which after forcing law enforcement to evacuate (with a silent mayor who took no action) took over several city blocks, effectively ‘overthrowing’ locally elected politicians and civil services in the area that it had taken over.
He then details the escalatory tactics ANTIFA has taken putting him in justifiable fear for his life.
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When we see violence like this being ignored by the authorities it suggests that the perpetrators are in cahoots, paid by or even employed by the authorities.
Genuine Anti-fascists would not behave as fascists and THAT is what gives them away as operatives intent upon disruption.