Full interview available at the Rumble link here.
Pascal Najadi’s father, Hussain Najadi, was a co-founder of the WEF, in 1971, when it was called the European Management Forum. He was the head of what is now called the “Emerging Markets” area — which, back then, were called “Lesser Developed Countries.” After a break with Klaus Schwab, Hussain Najadi left the organization. An international banker based in Malaysia — he was assassinated in Malaysia in 2013 by a gunman.
It is unclear who may have been behind the assassination, but Pascal Najadi asserts that his father was assassinated in an attempt to cover up his allegations of corruption across the broader financial sphere in Malaysia. This is a dangerous task to undertake, and we hope Pascal Najadi can remain safe while continuing his fathers work.
Criminal charge filed against Swiss President & Health Minister
Pascal Najadi — a believer in the Swiss judicial system — has filed a criminal charge against the President of Switzerland & Minister of Health for lying about the usefulness of mRNA gene serum injections. The President of Switzerland — as recently as last month — went on TV and lied, stating that the vaccination would stop transmission of the disease. Practically everyone knows that this particular statement is false — but now the case is in the hands of the Swiss system of criminal investigations, and everyone patiently awaits the outcome of the investigation.
Suggestion to Thai authorities to investigate Pfizer & mRNA shots
Jurisdictional issues aside — one potential but highly effective solution to the greater mRNA debacle is thorough investigations and litigation across a wide variety of fronts.
Here’s another:
One of them is a potential investigation by Thailand, whose Princess is now braindead, likely as a result of the mRNA injections:

Mr. Najadi discusses this in more detail in the interview clip above — along with the potential for the Swiss & Japanese governments to do the same.
At this point — it’s not unreasonable to expect the contracts Pfizer had signed under fraudulent pretenses to be discarded, so that criminal charges can be pursued against the company for the fraud perpetuated upon its billions of victims.
Full interview available at the Rumble link here.

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