Must read article from inside the 23rd World Vaccine Congress in D.C. last week
Speaks volumes to how they 'think' about things. (Hint: they don't)
I’m sure you’ve been in a room with someone who guzzles pro-injection propaganda like a dog drinking from a firehose.
(Substack has blocked Twitter link expansion? When did that happen?)
Always concerned with the wrong datasets…unless they are in favor of mass injection.
All the while seemingly incapable of pulling even the most basic studies for themselves — they typically view the “95% effective” headline from MSM as gospel — despite all obvious conflicts of interest between, for example, Pfizer - a major advertiser on MSM, and MSM itself.
You know, just like how Walensky “saw it on CNN” — so that makes it ‘True.’ We all saw it on CNN. Everybody knows ______. Why won’t you just take the injection?
What about those who are responsible for the creation and spread of the propagandistic messaging from the companies making it?
For more context, see this extremely well written piece:
Some excerpts:
The reluctance of the public to accept the shot, they think, is due to the perceived reduction of threat of the disease, which can be overcome by “proper messaging.”
In their minds, vaccine injuries and serious adverse events are extremely rare. Their incidence has been exaggerated by anti-vax rumor mills. Poland joked that “maybe we should start a rumor that microchips are in ivermectin!”
And even more specifically…the creators of the messaging are concerned that giving voice to the critic will make the public see the critics as on equal footing and may believe what critics are saying.
This is perhaps the most important excerpt from the piece — where a description of the phenomenon of who ‘Owns Truth’ makes an appearance. The injection proliferators Own Truth you see, because they will not speak to the dangerous “anti-Truth” crowd. Simply ignoring reality, in this case, is enough to pass for ‘Ownership’ of ‘Truth’ in the minds of those up on stage at the World Vaccine Congress — despite the innumerable illnesses, autoimmune disorders, TurboCancers, and sudden deaths verifiably attributable to the injection campaigns.
When you’re wrong, you double down.
“It’s obvious that the Krispy Kreme doughnuts and travel restrictions are carrots and sticks that have only partially worked. Those that remain hesitant are steadfast in their position because they have looked harder than most.
“They aren’t believing rumors. They are listening to credentialed physicians and scientists who have authored numerous peer-reviewed papers and who happen to be COVID-19 vaccine critics. Why don’t we engage them openly and see what they have to say?”
Katie Attwell, Ph.D., a professor from the University of Western Australia whose interest is in vaccine policy and uptake, shot down that idea. I didn’t know who she was at the time. I did manage to speak with her personally later in the week. Her rebuke was curt and to the point, “We cannot give any voice to the critic,” she told me. “Once the public sees them on equal footing with us they may believe what they are saying.”
Implicit in her strategy is the idea that the public cannot separate information from misinformation. Truth, in her mind, cannot stand on its own. It needs to be identified by those who know better.
If they Own Truth, then what do they need all that Pandemic Amnesty and forgiveness for?
What did they get wrong?
No amnesty.
They will do all of this and much, much more again soon.
Katie Atwell PhD and others of her ilk from the World Vaccine Congress don't want to let those who tell the truth about the multiple problems with the Covid Vaccines debate those who support vaccines because they, the supporters, know that their arguments can not stand the light of day because they are lies!
I'm not hesitant. I'm adamant. No interest in the vaccine. Period. End of story. What a bunch of brain dead, empty pods. How I detest the phrasing "Vaccine Hesitant". Most of us were never hesitant, we knew from the start we were not interested in the jab.