Merry Christmas Y'all: Is Anyone Else Tired Of Constant Economic/Psychological/Kinetic/etc. Warfare Yet? Or Is It Just Me?
Prolonged warfare has profound consequences for the human condition.
Hello to whoever (or whatever 😉) is reading my screeds !
I regret to inform you of the following circumstances:
There is no practical reason to believe any of the innumerable, all-encompassing psychological campaigns or operations will be halting in any way, shape, or form for the foreseeable future. In fact, there is good reason to believe that not only will they continue — but that the rate at which the acceleration of these operations are being conducted is primed to dramatically accelerate itself.
A parabolic and unceasing acceleration of an already accelerated rate.
Just as there is no reason to believe that those who now hold beliefs (crafted for them by the CDC, FDA, and other captured institutions) founded in the so-called: ‘Science’ will be giving those up anytime soon… There is no reason to believe that the countless other now militarized apparatuses that exist for the purposes of social control have any intention of stopping an almost obliviously stubborn push into ‘The Future.’
That grim, dystopian, and Transhumanist future everyone is already familiar with. The future of bug-eating, pod-living slaves — emasculated and crippled — through genetically modifying injections, injuries, and other pipelined psychological & kinetic campaigns that haven’t even been contemplated yet.
If indeed this ‘future’ is set to come down from ‘above’ (the WEF & their weird, freaky allies) in short order, there will be many prefigurations for these ‘changes.’ Perhaps, as is often speculated, if it is indeed to truly bring in Hell on Earth, perhaps ‘coming up from below’ fits the bill better. The future the WEF and its minions are dreaming up and designing sounds like it is directly from the Pits of Hell itself. One of those prefigurations is total and complete financial ruin of the United States through monetary mismanagement.
The math is simply inescapable at this point. Sliding us ever deeper into the runious abyss are politicians and monetary ‘authorities’ who — having usurped authority not granted to them by anyone I know — have seemingly set out on a course to systematically destroy the underlying framework upon which the economy rests.
Yet another $1.7 TRILLION dollar spending bill. That’s $1,700,000,000,000. And it’s just for another year — so this is simply slated to continue. Ad nauseum. With no end in sight.
During the financial apocalypse of 2008 — it was outrageous that they [monetary authorities and their lackey, captured politicians] were able to print $800 billion to solve ‘the problem’ [mortgage backed securities and collateralized debt obligations] that ‘they’ [bankers who rotate in and out of so-called ‘regulatory agencies’ and other ‘monetary authorities’] created. Again — it’s just another day — with no end in sight, nor consideration whatsoever for the broader downstream financial implications of this kind of spending. Double that to $1.7 TRILLION — and consider that perhaps there will be another ‘emergency’ that requires even more money to fix.
If you have settled into passivity in any way — thinking some day the enormity of the weight of the combined psychological and kinetic operations are going to cease..I have bad news:
They’re not going to stop. The intensity, frequency, and depth by which they are conducted is about to increase parabolically. The death throes of The Beast won’t be easy to resolve. The real question is what is going to take the place of the current institutions? If history is any guide — sadly, the likely answer is that something much, much worse will seize control in the power vacuum left behind. This isn’t rooted in negativity — it’s simply to point out that when this uprooting occurs, there will be turmoil.
When the time comes.
You may feel you only have the ability to maintain control over your immediate nexus or sphere of influence — but human agency and action is the key .
Human agency — because they built the AI to lie.
Don’t be surprised when the lies get even bigger. When the scale of the operations make the COVID ruse look miniscule in comparison.
Not everybody is gonna make it through the meat grinder unscathed.
Nah, it's just you me a few of your readers. The other 8 billion are too busy being watched on their phones to notice.
Good Christmas rant👍, cheered me right up! Keep writing down on the Farm mate🍻
Attacks on every front. Man made. Recession. Covid. Jab. Population control. Ukraine. Chemtrails. Election fraud. Gender bs. Fuel shortages. Poison in food water makeup.