If you haven’t read this previous piece, please take a few minutes out of your day to track it down and validate for yourselves that I am, in fact, not making this up.
I think about this concept a lot lately. You should probably think about it too. Investigative journalist Whitney Webb’s masterpiece about Leslie Wexner in the article above is just that — a highly focused, deep dive into an idea that Mr. Wexner holds.
It’s very telling that this former Republican (read: UNIPARTY) mega-donor, titan of industry — who owns Victoria’s Secret, Bed Bath & Beyond, Abercrombie & Fitch, and many other large retail chains openly says he has a — *clears throat* —
Demon. living. inside. him. that drives him in business and in life.
It’s simply what Wexner believes about himself, in his own words.
But there are a lot of questions:
Who, besides Jeffrey Epstein, was he friends with?
Why did Leslie Wexner’s father tell him he had a demon living inside him that he needed to satiate?
Who thought this was a good idea?
Who came up with this idea?
Is this belief common?
Who else shares this belief?
Did Wexner’s father abuse him during this time?
Should this constitute child abuse? If you tell a child that they have a demon living inside them?
That’s pretty much it.
Teaching children that they are inhabited by a demon should be criminalized.
Why does this need to be pointed out?
I remember reading this in Whitney Webb’s Volume 2 book, “One Nation Under Blackmail”...creepy stuff. And it doesn’t surprise me at all.
It is consistent with child sexual & emotional abusers & that crime is definitely generational. So is that what we are dealing with? Generations of super abusers who have distorted reality to the point they have no concept of normal healthy relationships? That’s a whole lot of sicko geoupthink