Isn't This Just A Little Suspicious?
If it happens over and over, it's the rule — not the exception.

There does seem to be a pattern emerging..
It’s hard to put your finger on the pulse of it, largely because of the way the pattern is designed:
Something sus happens w/ respect to the Epstein case. (Like him ‘not’ killing himself.)
Then, something else sus happens w/ respect to the Epstein case. (Like the prison warden being reassigned afterwards.
Then, something else even more sus happens w/ respect to the Epstein case. (Like the USVI AG being fired right around the time they were supposed to do something useful with JPMorgan Chase being caught with their hands in the cookie jar.)
That’s really it. That’s the pattern that has emerged.
Read this gem:
In the mid 1990s — a similar case, at least thematically, in Belgium led to mass protests. This was called the ‘White March’ and it was a result of popular anger at the judicial system for … a lot of things.

It’s amazing that, even back then, the NYTimes couldn’t even accurately count the number of protesters — when it suits them. Above, you’ll see a ‘275,000’ figure — but below, it says ‘Tens of thousands’ — which is true, but the real answer is that it’s ‘hundreds of thousands’ of people. It’s just another technique hapless Corporate Disinformation Outlets commonly apply to make things seem ‘really small’ vs ‘really big’ to their audience.

Dutroux affair is well worth reading into if this is something that makes you curious about other, related goings-on to the Epstein scandal.
Still things dropping about this — just a few months ago:

Wonder about if they knew each other, or at least had overlapping social circles.

Everything Clinton connected going back to the CIA drugs and gun running from Mena, AK is sus. Bill was on Epstein's Jet 27 times. Enough for the Mossad/CIA to capture him with hundreds of teeny girls. This is how they own public figures and politicians and get them to do things no person with a conscience would ever consider. We are ruled by Malthusian Paedos and their Paedo servants who are all compromised.
Interesting. There are so many dark things going on. I think we just get gleanings of the surface.