History Repeats: Gleiwitz Incident vs Poland Missile Strike
Another 'attack' against Poland happened, but in 1939 — the day before WWII officially started.
Before the Fact Checkers™️ and revisionist historians get on this one:
The German invasion of Poland on September 1st, 1939 marks the official start date of World War II.
Why did Germany invade Poland?
Because on the day before — August, 31st 1939 — German troops dressed up like Polish troops and attacked a German radio station, which was then used as the justification necessary for Germany to attack the ‘aggressor,’ Poland. German Nazis claimed they had been attacked by Poland. But it was faked.

It’s surreal that Wiki allows the term ‘false flag attack’ on here. I expect that’ll be changed in short order.
Now, a ‘Russian missile’ has hit Poland? Fortunately, it seems that for now most of the reporting is trying to calm the situation..but I wouldn’t put it past these creeps to launch more attacks into Polish or other borderland territories in the hope that it will prompt an overreaction on either side.

I was told false flag attacks == conspiracy theory.
What if that missile was a Ukrainian missile dressed up like a Russian missile? What would happen if there were 5 more just like that one?
Maybe Ukrainian Neo-Nazi’s are dressing Ukrainian missiles up like Russian missiles and attacking Poland?
Wouldn’t be the first time a major war started that way, and it likely won’t be the last.
Don't have paywall, but interested to hear more about this project about 'Freedom Movements Lacking Advanced Tooling' on your other post.